Hi! I'm motivated to start EASY, have read Tracy's recommendations in her book for getting it started, but find myself confused. My daughter is 6 months old and has never had an EASY routine. That being said, she nurses approximately every 3 hours during the day. She used to sleep a 6 hour stretch prior to 4 months but for the last 2 months has nursed 3 times per night, definitely a result of accidental parenting. All her naps are 35-45 minutes long and she has 4 per day. Obviously she is overtired and overstimulated and this, as well as the fact that I am exhausted from the night feedings, is why we want to make the necessary changes. I know she is likely capable of being on the 4-hour EASY at this point and eliminating the 2 middle of the night feeds (keeping the one at 10 or 11).
FYI she has started solids x 2 weeks though it is BLW so she does not take in much yet. Today I also introduced some grain cereal which she feeds herself on a pre-loaded spoon. So "mixed" BLW and spoon feeding.
Here is a typical day, though I want to stress that we do NOT have a set routine, it is just a rough estimate:
6:00 Eat
6:20 Activity
8:00 Sleep
- wake up at 8:40
9:00 Eat - Nurse plus solids
9:20 Activity
10:30 Sleep
- wake up 11:15
11:30 or 12:00 Eat - Nurse plus solids
12:15 Activity
1:00 Sleep
- wake up 1:45
1:45 Activity
3:00 Eat
3:20 Activity
4:00 or 4:30 Sleep
- wake up 45 minutes later
4:30 or 5:00 Solids
5:30 Bath
6:00 Bedtime routine - asleep by 6:15 or 6:30
10:00 Nurse - she wakes up on her own or I dreamfeed her
1:00 am Wake and Nurse
3:30 am Wake and Nurse
5:00 am Usually wakes up and fusses on/off until 6:00
She goes to sleep "on her own", in other words I put her in the crib awake and leave the room. Most of the time she fusses for less than 5 minutes and falls asleep. Sometimes no fussing at all. Sometimes she has cried up to 10-15 minutes and until now we have let her cry. After 10-15 minutes we will go in and console her briefly and leave the room. She does not need a pacifier or swaddling to sleep - we weaned her from those at 4 months.
So here's my question - if I take Tracy's advice literally and say that she is above 4 months old and not on an EASY routine already - then I would follow her advice for implementing the 4 hour EASY cold turkey after the 2 day observation period. However she is nursing about every 3 hours and I'm concerned she won't be able to go immediately to every 4 hours. Should I try anyway, considering her age and stage of development? Or do a graduated transition to the 4 hour EASY? And regarding nights - I am assuming that no matter how we decide to go about the days - we are going to immediately implement the PU/PD to eliminate the MOTN feeds?
I am exhausted and feeling down and the neurons are not in top form, so your advice is greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Haven't had any replies, but we decided to forge ahead with the 4-hour EASY as we feel she's ready and likely I've been holding her back from extending her feeding intervals. Any feedback on the above is still welcome as we work through this. Started the routine today and tonight her dad is going to do PU/PD when she wakes to feed.