DD2 has been taking ages (up to 40mins) to fall asleep for her catnap. Time to phase it out?!
Our current EASY is:
Wake 7 am
A of 4hours
S at 11 till 1
Then I would put her back into the cot 3.5 hours after she woke from her nap. This was working up till last week,when she might take 10 mins of shuffling around till she fell asleep. Today though I tried to do an A of 3 hours 40 and there were tears and resistence.
Not sure what to do. I was only letting her sleep 30.mins but cut that today and yesterday to 20.mins. she goes down for the night 2 hours 30 mins after she wakes from the catnap.
I'd like to keep the long morning nap....but not sure if I should let her sleep longer than 2 hours for her 1st nap (we wake after 2 hours ) or if I should cap it more.to try for a better catnap?
I'm so confused!!!!
Apologies for the ramble!!!