Author Topic: Can Cluster/dream feeding overload my baby's stomach?  (Read 1293 times)

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Offline Mariellamom

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Can Cluster/dream feeding overload my baby's stomach?
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:00:43 am »
Hello everyone,
I am trying to implement cluster/dream feeding for my 6 weeks DD.
I've been doing it three nights in a row.
The first two she got up in her normal feed cycle to eat. Three hours after the dreamfeed.
Then an hour/two later she would get up trying to push and cried in pain I think that she can't get it out. ( legs to her chest ). 
This is the first night that she slept 4 hours after a dream feed. I was so excited. But an hour after a night feed she got up crying and pushing over and over again. Of course an hour after eating and sleeping and 20 min of crying after that  she wanted to eat again and was rooting. Right now it is 5am. I managed to calm her down in my arms and am Waiting for the feed cycle to pass until 3 hours because really don't want to overfeed her.
My question is can this idea of cluster dreamfeeding overload her stomach ? she is on a 3 hour routine during the day. Should I feed her an hour after the feeding to respond to her feeding cues and to calm her down in such cases ?
What could I do wrong with this cluster dreamfeed technique ? ( 7 pm, 9 pm cluster feeds. 11 pm dream feed).
(Before I started the dreamfeed she was eating every three hours at night and this pushing thing would be happening in the morning  around 8-9 am. She wold end up on my chest legs to her belly and could sleep until the next feeding time or even longer. Which I don't like to do so that she won't get  used to sleeping on my chest ;(. )
Thank you  for your help.

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Offline Erin M

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Re: Can Cluster/dream feeding overload my baby's stomach?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 03:49:33 am »
The dream feed doesn't always work -- but I'd look at some other factors before you give up on it.  Are you burping after the dream feed?  I know Tracy suggests in the book that you won't need to but I always found that I did with mine or they'd be restless and fussy.  If your LO like this after other feeds or only this one?  It sounds like this new behavior since starting the df?  Is the feed any different than your other ones?

And I'm moving your post to the breast feeding board.  :)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 11:19:09 am by Erin M »

Offline Mariellamom

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Re: Can Cluster/dream feeding overload my baby's stomach?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 12:26:12 pm »
I didn't burp her after the df. Didn't want to wake her but maybe this was the case?
I try to feed her for the last three days in a slightly upright position. After this she burps easier.
She had similar reaction before when I fed her every 3 hours at night. She would be fine all night but had this pushing thing at about 7-8-9 am 2-3 mornings in a row.
I don't see the pattern yet during the day. She doesn't have any problems in the first half of the day after that early morning episode. ( which is now when I started df/cluster feed, moved to 4-5 am).
Today I try to move her legs after each feed so that she can pass everything easier and maybe will give  her a bath with some calming herbs like chamomile. Maybe it will calm her belly somehow.
So, it doesn't seem like a new episode after the dreamfeed. It just started happening earlier, than previous ones. ( I am exhausted from sleeplessness and it gets worse and worse. That's why I decided to df to get at least 4 hours stretch during the night ).
Thank you!


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Offline Mariellamom

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Re: Can Cluster/dream feeding overload my baby's stomach?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 13:11:19 pm »
Also I was thinking what if I fed her instead of  waiting for 1,5 until the next feed? Is it a bad habit to feed them out of the feeding cycle?
She will root mostly always when she gets up in pain or gas.

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