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Offline wanderingstar83

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Baby now cries when waking from catnaps
« on: September 25, 2014, 08:00:00 am »
Hi everyone,

I have been starting PUPD with my LO for two days now (on day two- though, I more pat him while sitting next to him than pick him up). He used to nap in his bouncer, most of the time for 30mins like clockwork. Now he is in his crib, he still naps for only 30 mins, but now he wakes up crying/screaming. He always woke up happy and refreshed in his bouncer. I try to get him back down for more sleep in his crib, but he wont. He also stays really cranky until I feed him (whether it's 5 minutes later, or 55 minutes later).

He turned 5 months yesterday and is a spirited/textbook baby.

Q1) Is it because he is too tired (though I wonder why 30 mins was fine in his bouncer), hungry, or he just woke up missing me?
I am there when he goes to sleep, but he settles himself after 20 mins of crying/fussing. I realise that 30 mins is not really enough for him (and not for me) but can bounce/rock to my hearts content and he won't sleep any more.

Also, I want to stretch out his feedings to every 4 hours (I EBF and it is almost every 2 hours at the moment). I try to hold off for as long as possible, but it is tiring work distracting a crying baby, and the only way he becomes happy again is with a full belly; And then he is back to his super happy self.

Q2) Should I be still feeding him every two hours (It makes him happy, and me happy), or try and stretch out (Q3-if so, how with a catnapper)?

He had colic, which lead to a lot of 'accidental parenting'. I think he also had a milk protein allergy (I try to stay away from dairy).
His typical routine looks like this:

7am- awake, dress into clothes
7:10- feed.
7:20-8:00- play
8:30- nap

9am- awake
9:15- feed
9:20-10:20- play
10:45- nap

11:30- awake
11:40- feed
11:50-12:40- play
1:00- nap

1:30am- awake
1:45- feed
1:55-3- play
3:05- nap

3:35- awake
4pm- feed
4:10-4:50- play
5pm- nap

5:45- awake (he usually gets a little bit longer)
6pm feed
6:10-6:30- play
6:30ish- bath + bedtime routine
7pm- sleep.

He sometimes has slept for over 30 mins (up to two hours, but very rarely), and sometimes only 20mins. I sometimes stretch the awake time to two hours, but it doesn't seem to help the naps. So I watch for his tired signs. He wakes 4-5 times a night. If his 3pm nap is late, sometimes I won't give him his last nap and just push for over the two hours and an earlier bed time.

Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 08:19:23 am by wanderingstar83 »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Baby now cries when waking from catnaps
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 12:11:08 pm »
Hi so sorry your post was missed. The boards have been so busy as of late. Anyhoo, welcome to BW!

To answer your questions:
1. I actually think that first nap of the day is far too early hun. Lo's averaging 2-2.5hrs of A time around now. I'll post a link at the end about this. Does he wake from that nap crying too? I know you said you've tried 2hrs before, but did you hold that A time for a few days to see if he settled into it? It's really difficult to gauge until they are used to the A times.

2. I think yes, I would try and stretch those feedings to at least every 3hrs. The reason being is that you want to encourage him to take full feeds and not snack. Some lo's don't ever manage to get to 4hrs being bf until solids are established at around 8mo ish. Unless there is any reflux issues that you are aware of? You said about the milk protein allergy, does he seem better now you've cut out the dairy? It might be work a visit to the doctor to see if there's any reflux or anything going on if he's so cranky until he's fed. Do you feel he's taking a full feed each time?

Tired signs start to become a little unreliable around this age so I would try and stretch that first A to at least 2hrs and hold for three days. I would also try w2s, have you heard about that? I will post a link at the end about this for you too. Bear in mind this technique will only workif the A times are right. For yours, I would go in at around the 20mins mark.

Also, I wouldn't pu during pu/pd with a spirited baby. I would keep as you're doing. Pu tends to infuriate spirited ones!

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!!

How to address habitual wakings (w2s and other methods)

Reflux 101 - General reflux information
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 12:19:28 pm by Kellyjs »