Thank you for replying!
So, his routine... this is hard. He is in nursery 4 days a week so on those days it goes like this: wake up about 6.30 (but sleep is sometimes broken before then and he is ALWAYS in our bed by this time). Breakfast about 7am. Get dressed and I take his bro to school then drop him at nursery about 9am. At nursery he has a sleep after lunch at about 12.30-2 - usually about that long. THey all sleep in the same room and the workers pat them and sit with all the babies till they go to sleep. He comes home about 5.30, we all eat together and then it is bath about 6.30/6.45. Then they get ready for bed in our bedroom and one of us takes him upstairs to his room while his brother has stories in our room and falls asleep in there. I get his room ready first so he has 2 small lamps on, quite low lighting. We sit on a chair by his cot and have 1-2 little stories then I put him in his cot and turn one of the lamps off. At this point I used to be able to just walk out but these days we have to sit by the cot - usually with head ON the bars of the cot, while he stands up, gives a few kisses, points at things, then I lie him down, say night night, he gets up, points at things, I lie him down, he does some kisses...etc - sometimes he cries a bit so I lie him down and stroke his legs through the cot bars and eventually he stops gettingup and falls asleep, I've stopped stroking him byt this point. Usually takes about 20 mins. But then he wakes in the night and won't fall back into a deep sleep - we have been up there hours before so recently just bring him down after about 15 mins of trying.
SOmetimes he is teething, he still has canines coming though, and also the ear infections from some months back certainly didn't help - especially when we didn't know he had them.
When he isn't in nursery he is with us or my mum and has no set sleep time- he will fall asleep in the buggy going to the shops and then stay in there when we get home, or fall asleep in the car while we are out and sleep in there if appropriate for a bit. It is usually post lunch unless we go out mid morning I guess he sleeps then sometimes too .. he never goes into his cot in the day. His day naps have never been consistent as I went back to university when he was 6 months, then worked, so he always just fitted around the different daycare options.
Any help or advice will be so gladly received! thank you