He has had a cold, and is on antibiotics as the Dr suspects a throat infection but YK there was no pus just redness and I think he probably doesn't ned them

Anyway, as far as pain and can't breath goes he is much better. Plus pain meds etc don't make a difference. He's very much calling for me, wanting cuddles, can't sleep kind of silly stuff
He will take his nap. Bechaviour is SHOCKING (pinching and biting - but that is for a D&S thread tonight) but he is showing huge leaps in language and abilities.
He is sleeping in - but not too much as I am waking at 7.30 (when I didn't he was worse)
He also goes to sleep ok. The opposite of Z at this age who EW, Nap resisted and pulled BT shenanigans.
So....Im thinking tonight do whatever works as DH is home tomorrow and then we can tackle together?
Should I adjust his routine for less sleep ATM i.e. cap the nap a bit (1.5? I know he can do 1.5 usually) and hope he starts to sleep more soundly at night as a result?