Author Topic: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!  (Read 1087 times)

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God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:14:18 am »
I don't remember this  with Z but looking back he did go through it.

T is so much more ANGRY about it though. Tantys in the night. Clingy as an 8 mth old and NW galore. I'm struggling as we have just had months of illness from Z and week from T. DH is away.

What's my best course of action ladies, how long can I expect this to go on :'(

I'm listening to him right now out his door whine and say 'nooo' but I can not spend another sleepless night in the rocker with an almost 2 yr old. Ugh. WI/WO?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline jessmum46

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 10:38:43 am »
Hugs hun, and yes I'd do WIWO.  Any chance he needs a routine tweak? We were already getting NNDs by 2yo...

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2014, 10:56:23 am »
Big hugs Sara,

You will recall (having held my hand through it) we had something similiar at this age with R. She you described as being as Z was at this age. She has the will of iron -no bad thing but difficult during times like this and could too get quite angry with tantrums etc. The only thing that worked for us was Wi/WO and maintaining consistency. So for instance when thins went awry at naptime and she as kicking and screwing she wasn't going to nap, reasurance, understanding followed by it's time to sleep and W/WO.

I personally didn't do anything with her routine until things settled down because for me I just needed to keep her on track as much as poss and then review once things settled. It's had though when your in the midst of it. Why don't you post his day and let have a look just incase - worth ruling out of nothing else.

Also, what about teeth - R's molars played havoc with her sleep and temper at this age xxx

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2014, 18:16:53 pm »
2 hr NW with WI/WO and he wasn't settling, at all, and I gave up :'( sat in the rocker in the end with him.

Before the rubbish it was
WU 6.30/7
Nap 1-2.45/3
Bt 7.30

ATM he's waking at any time from 9.30-1 and then up for hours or up and down for hours.
Last nights NW was 9.30-12  :o then his nap is often shorter. I tried EBT last night after a prev bad night too and he self settled but it took 30 mins ::) (7pm in end when went for 6.30) it's 7.15am and he's still sleeping ::)

I'm so not ready for NND :(

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2014, 19:01:54 pm »
  :-\ for the 2h NW and  :-* to help you feel better (if that poss at this stage in the game)

I don't suppose T is ready for NND yet either. It will pass as quick as it came and then you'll have the 27m sheangians to deal with :P

Seriously though, I do think his day before the blip looked good - I wouldn't have said that was the issue. It's IMO the crazy twos - crazy for them and us. I honestly think as exhausting as it is you're doing all you can do.

 Will he let you feel his gums - any chance 2y molars could be playing their part or something like an ear infection lurking? I'm not suggesting either could be sole cause but maybe contributing to T's bad temper?

How is he at nap time - the same or better? I just remembered the one little change I did make (on good advice   ;)) was to bring the nap a little earlier to try and avoid a totally OT naptime and then EBT depending on the lenght of nap.

I feel exhausted for you. I know it's the pits but hang in there lovey it'll come good xxxx

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 19:44:54 pm »
Hugs hun I remember the 2 yr one and the 27 month one too well! For us routine stayed the same and we camped out on the floor as wi/wo did not work for us....DS is stubborn and very very loud with it.
It went as soon as it came and did coincide with 2 yr molars that took months to come through! x

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2014, 00:56:22 am »
He has had a cold, and is on antibiotics as the Dr suspects a throat infection but YK there was no pus just redness and I think he probably doesn't ned them ::) Anyway, as far as pain and can't breath goes he is much better. Plus pain meds etc don't make a difference. He's very much calling for me, wanting cuddles, can't sleep kind of silly stuff :-\

He will take his nap. Bechaviour is SHOCKING (pinching and biting - but that is for a D&S thread tonight) but he is showing huge leaps in language and abilities.
He is sleeping in - but not too much as I am waking at 7.30 (when I didn't he was worse)
He also goes to sleep ok. The opposite of Z at this age who EW, Nap resisted and pulled BT shenanigans.

So....Im thinking tonight do whatever works as DH is home tomorrow and then we can tackle together?

Should I adjust his routine for less sleep ATM i.e. cap the nap a bit (1.5? I know he can do 1.5 usually) and hope he starts to sleep more soundly at night as a result?


DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline HenaV

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2014, 06:33:42 am »
I didn't because my gut feeling was that the nap lenght wasn't the issue. For R is was a language explosion at this age. To help with the OT (because that was always a big issue for R) I just brought the nap I think 15/20mins earlier and if I could get her to nap, left the lenght the same. Sometime it was shorter simply because of naptime shenanigans and it getting late, not by design. In fact if the nap was shorter I tended to

I Definately would do what you need to to get through and wait for DS to tackle it together x

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2014, 07:01:36 am »
Ok. So today we had this
WU 7.30
Nap 1-2.45 I woke we and a bday party to attend
Bt 7.30


DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2014, 18:25:22 pm »
Fingers crossed for a good night hun x

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2014, 19:38:18 pm »
At 2 yrs DS1 was starting to talk also, and when he woke at night DH would ask him what was wrong, etc. We realized that the talking in motn was disturbing to him even though he could talk back. Limiting night time interaction to no talking helped us minimize the nws.

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2014, 19:48:54 pm »
Just on the nap capping, we did have to limit at 1.5h at this age and that was with probably 1 or 2 days a week with no nap and 1-2 with a short nap of 50 mins-1h (short naps/refusals mainly though not always at nursery). If J had been at home every day we'd probably have had to have capped even further.

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2014, 09:13:37 am »
Thanks ladies, things have settled down a lot, no more looong NW. Still not sure if they were maybe related to him not being 100% or OT from being sick! or developmental. But certainly the last two nights were better. One was sttn other was a brief NW at 12 and then he resettled himself at some point after that (which he hadn't done in weeks so yay)

I'm doing the nap 15 mins later than I was, and capping at 1.5 (so 1.15-2.45) he can definitely cope fine on 1.5 and his day is usually 7-7.30 :-\ looks ok aye?

Tomorrow he starts 2 mornings a week at nursery so that will ware him out! I may yet find on these days I need to pull bt earlier or offer a longer or earlier nap, no?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: God help us....2 yr seep regression and I'm close to snapping!
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2014, 10:13:36 am »
Personally I'd stick with same nap unless he's a mess and make use of EBT if needed x