So until he is 3months i can do whatever to get him to sleep? Now i hold him vertically and shhh-path it is ok, but after few min he starts kicking with his legs and arms and sometimes gets out of a swaddle, than i have to swaddle again, burp again and start all over again. So after 45 min he is so fuzzy that i just swaddle give him paci and shhh path and he gets to sleep. And sometimes i miss the window as i have another DD and everything is so confusing these days. Today he WU from his nap and i BF him, burp and than he felt a sleep on our king size bed, there was no nappy change, no swaddle and the room wasn't dark. His A time as 30 min. Do you think that i always overstimulate him, because he is always so fuzzy that he needs paci. Today he just slept in without paci. I am so confused...Than sometimes he WU from his nap screaming, i think it's the air trapped in his stomach, but he burp like 2-3 times after each feed, mybe he eats too much, but i can't put him off the breast just when i thknk it's enough, right? I wake him up when 3h are around even though he is sleeping only 1h(because he napped later as i was trying to settle him down), i give him to eat, burp, change diaper and than birp burp burp until it is time for nap again. Is this ok? Because i have to wake him up for every meal during the day....
Also one question I can't do second cluster feed at 8pm an dream feed at 11pm because he is sleeping so tight that won't take breast. So if I clusterfeed at 6pm he wakes around midnight which is good, but at midnight he doesn't eat so much and goes back to sleep very quickly, and is up again at 3am...
So how did you put your LO to nap or bettime in these rarly days?
Tnx for all the help!