OK, so I have resigned myself to the fact that I will probably never have a decent nights sleep ever again but I'm struggling to function with continued sleep deprivation which is affecting all my relationships as I'm constantly so tired and irritable with zero patience.
My 20 mo has rarely STTN, she has a good (as in regular) routine, is in bed for 7/7.15pm and generally settles without a problem. The latest phase is bad dreams whereby she goes from sleeping to screaming in a milli second, and not just once either. we have been through the teething, potty training and separation phases, alongside illness, bereavement and returning to work etc etc over the last year but just feel i am running out of reasons to justify or excuse her lack of sleep now. A bad dream is one thing but waking 4 and 5 times every night at almost 3 yo is surely extreme?
I know that OT makes NW much worse so always avoid late nights but now it seems she is compensating deep sleep for lunchtime nap. She goes to nursery one day a week and naps for 1-1.5 hours there although at home goes 2-2.5hours easily. i think we are now in a situation where she sleeps badly at night so needs to catch up next day which is becoming a repetitive cycle. How long should a lunchtime nap be and how can i change the deep sleep to night time? if i cap nap she is OT at bed time it seems
My other problem is she shares a room with younger sibling who also gets disturbed so we cant always wait to see if she will self settle
The day is approx as follows:-
wake 6-6.30
8.00 breakfast
9.30 snack
12.00 lunch
nap-varies, anything begween 1-3 hours, I've tweaked galore!
2.30 snack (if awake)
5.00 tea
6.15 bath, potty, story etc
7.00 bed
sorry to vent I am just desperate for someone to tell me what to do to fix this once and for all - can anyone help me please?