Hello Ladies,
I would have question to you about a sippy cup introduction.
DS is almost 8mo and is drinking his milk from Avent Natural bottle (3-flow teat). He is very happy to drink it, no problems here. I also managed to offer him some water in this bottle (with solid meal like tea, he sometimes will drink 20-30ml). He is not a fan of water drinking but I think it is also because he drinks still a lot of milk (24oz per day: 3x 8oz bottles) so this is making him full. Some of you wrote somewhere here that it is not a problem that he drinks so little water and that I shouldn’t worry. So I am not.
But I have a concern about a sippy cup. I have NUK Ease Learning 1 one. I am encouraging him to drink from it after his solid meals, water inside. He usually put it in his mouth and… bites it:). He looks like knowing that it should be used for drinking as he open his mouth and put it there but in my opinion he is not drinking from it…. However difficult to assess as this sippy has no amount scale. I usually offer him water in a bottle afterwards and he is also not interested but very rarely he will take 2-3 sips.
So – should I worry? Should I try to offer milk in a sippy…? Should I change this sippy to I don’t know what:)?
Every experience sharing will be useful!