Author Topic: 4:30 am awake! Feed or wait???  (Read 1624 times)

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Offline cosmicangel007

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4:30 am awake! Feed or wait???
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:23:26 am »
DD is 6.5 months and on a 4 hour eat easy schedule during the day.
What would you do if she woke at 430 ready for the day:
Feed her now? Hold off to as close to 7 as possible?

I try and stay in her room for as long as possible. Today I was in there till 5:15 attempting to get her back to sleep. No go so  we came out to the main room and I let her roam and explore.
She's scotching all around and very verbal and tripod sitting.  Lots if new territory.

We made it until 6:15 for her first bottle. But that was really pushing it. 
Now if I do my 4 hour feeds she'll b early for everything triggering an early BT bottle
Do you stretch out times throughout the day?

Then there's the sleep issue of EW!
I'm tring by exhausted!!!  Advise please!

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Re: 4:30 am awake! Feed or wait???
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2014, 12:18:30 pm »
I'd probably give a feed, treat it as a night waking and get her back to sleep. I think I would try a smaller feed than normal and offer a normal size feed when the day starts properly or soon after.

Is she on solids yet? Is she waking every night at this time?


Offline cosmicangel007

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Re: 4:30 am awake! Feed or wait???
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 23:47:00 pm »
HI thanks for getting back to me.
she is on a little  bit of solids, can't say I'm very consistent with it though.
It seems like she is sleeping when breakfast is happening for my son and then dinner she is in a CN but I'm working on making it better.

as far as waking every night at this time, no its different every night. 
some nights i can get her back down without a bottle so I'm never sure when to give it and when not to.  i know she will always drink it though and don't want to get into a habit for her.
if i give it to her that late/early (4:30am) then i feel she isn't hungry for her 7am bottle.
The reason i didn't give her one this morning was because she had her BT bottle at 7pm then woke at 12:20 and had a full bottle.
so when she wok at 4:30 i was reluctant...
she also typically does 10 hrs night sleep and that was where we were at. 

if  a typical bottle is 7oz, should i do half of that for this mid night feed? more then half?
