I am not sure if he is reaching a eating plateau or due to sickness (he was having on and off low grade fever and runny nose). He used to eat 3 meals a day with snacks and 18-24oz milk (not a water drinker) throughout the day.
He is a rice super fans. I usually give him a half bowl of rice mixed with veggies and meat for lunch and dinner and he would anything i put in the rice.
During the last week, he will only eat the first bite of the mixed rice and that's it. He seems to be okay with eggs (steamed eggs, almost custard like), tofu cubes, yogurt, plain rice and crackers. Fortunately he still drinks milk and I wonder if I should limit his milk intake to keep him hungry and make room for solid food.
Does anyone have any advice on this situation? Or have any LO been using spoon but suddenly want to switch back to finger food?