My DS is now 31 months. was refusing nap there for a while, but started back again. However, usually will not nap until 3 or 3:30pm and then we do a later BT around 8:30pm, though he still wakes at 6 or 6:30 am! He always woke early, but not sure if we are doing this right... We wake him from nap around 5 pm most times- not sure how much he would sleep if we left him- too scared to find out.
Question is- should we try to put him down for nap earlier and see what happens? What bed time? 8pm?
Or should we let him go down at 3 or so and then wake him up earlier from nap, maybe after 1h15 min and get an earlier bedtime?
he is soooo grumpy without a nap and groggy after wakign him at 5pm- What to do?