It is Thanksgiving here this week and his cousins are in town for the week so unfortunately his sleep is going to be awful. I want him to spend time with them while they're in town, so I'm trying to figure out how to get him enough sleep. They will only be in town for 2-3 more days though, so I'll be able to get him back to normal.
Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are happy to just roll with things whilst your family are in town, just do that! I'm sure things can't get much worse

He was still awake (he's always still awake at bedtime), but he finally settled himself around 815, so that was a little later than I thought
BUT, he woke up at 530. I know, I know
So that amount of night sleep and that
exact sleep pattern is definitely overtired with my son. So I still think that lies at the heart of your sleep issues and if we can figure out how to get some proper restorative sleep for him, I think we can improve things.
So is the idea behind the 12 hour day (and very early bedtime) that he'll catch up on sleep which will make him wake up later?
Exactly right... once I started this my son started sleeping 11-12 hours a night and we slowly got rid of a lot of the overtiredness and his naps increased and then he was getting about the right amount of total sleep in 24 hours and then I could start moving the nap and bedtimes out slowly and the wake ups in the morning got later.
I do see what you mean about him getting more night time sleep when he goes to bed early and still wakes up early. I know every baby is different, but how long did you have to do early bedtime before your son caught up and started sleeping later?
It probably took 2 or 3 weeks of being really strict with the A times and total 12/12.5 hour days, leaving him in the cot in the morning until 6:30am - but then the clocks went back and we ended up back where we started and to be honest we are still struggling to get back again now as he has also been ill in the last month and now I think his teeth are playing up, although things are improving slowly.
Oh, and I was moving nap time earlier too. I usually do naps around 12 or 1 and was giving him a nap around 1130. Maybe I should do one earlier?? I was just worried that if I went earlier, he might be UT and not take a good nap and wake up early, like 1230 or 1. So if he wakes up at 530or 545, I would shoot for a nap around 1130 and then he will wake up between 1 and 130. Then I would try to have him asleep at 630.
I totally get the worry about the UT nap, my son used to be a nightmare when UT... If you are getting a really good nap at 11:30 you could try holding there. Experiment a little, you can always move it later if 11:30am or earlier becomes a disaster. At the moment my son is only napping for approx an hour but his nights are all approx 11hr30 (they were 9hr45-10hr30 maximum when he was OT, so this is a huge improvement)
I have just found it a challenge to deal with dinner and not rushing bedtime for him. What time do you typically do dinner when you do an early bedtime? Does he ever wake up hungry??
I really appreciate your help with all of this!!
You are very welcome - as I said before this stuff may not be the answer for your son, but I figure as long as we are trying to help him catch up on OT we are hopefully on the right track and if it doesn't work we can try something else. Have you ever tried set nap times for eg?
Since my son's naps went wonky last week and we have been doing lots of early bedtimes again, I have been doing dinner pretty early between 4-5pm and he eats pretty well, so I don't think there have been any hunger issues. He obviously then has a breastfeed before bed and this seems to last him at least 11-12 hours.
How long does your son nap by the way?
Do you have an idea what your son's ideal A time is too?
My son sleeps best on 5.5hrs, if he is well rested he can also do ok on 5hr45 but if it gets to 6hrs then things tend to fall apart.....