Hi there,
I'm a sahm, my lo is only 9 months old so may not be useful to you for your 2yr old but we do have a rough routine. Obviously we follow EASY the best we can!
Mornings tend to go like this ( times vary as he wakes at different times, that's why I love BW as its not a rigid times schedule):
Get up, have milk in bedroom, get dressed, go downstairs for some floor play while I wash up/tidy round and prepare our breakfast. We st together at the table and eat. Then it's more floor play with looking at some books usually while I tidy away the breakfast things. I sometimes read a story after, then it's shower and get dressed time for me and wash face, brush teeth, comb hair for little man. Then we will either go for a walk/park/shops. Then usually it's time for mid morning bottle, followed by some quiet activit, then nap. After nap it's usually lunchtime or soon after. Then we might go out again to the park/ shops ( whichever we didn't do in the morning. If out all afternoon then he'll have a snack if not he'll snack at home. Then fingers crossed we will get another catnap in before dinner. After dinner it's either pick daddy up from work or listen to nursery rhymes cd and more floor play with toys/standing/crawling around/ peek a boo etc.
We go to set groups twice a week and try to go to baby gym or sensory once a week too so I fit those in around naps. Also once or twice a week we get the treasure basket out for some exploring play! I try to plan what were going to do, only recently, otherwise I find the day floats by without much variety. I try to get out at least once a day even if its just a ten min walk.
Hope this helps.