DS is 15 days old. From day 1, he has only nursed about every 4 hours. I am often waking him at the 4 hour mark for a feed. I started using both sides, but he was having green poop so my MW recommended I switch to single side feeding (I also did this with DD) and it has been working well. On average he feeds about 6 times in 24 hours - including 2 MOTN feeds. He is gaining weight well but today I noticed that my right breast doesn't seem to fill as much. It seems that my left is always full and ready to go but my right doesn't seem as full. Is this a potential problem? Should I be feeding him more often? Should I offer the right at every feed or be pumping to encourage more production? Could it just be the way my body is - I vaguely remember the left getting more engorged with DD as well and she always preferred the left.
Also, after he fed at 3:30 am, he settled in for a long stretch of sleep. I ended up waking him at 8 to eat again. Should I have let him be?