My MIL got Colin (2 years 9 mo) a toddler bed for Christmas. He's been sleeping in it just fine at night but at naptime he's been having trouble settling. Up until now he was extremely consistent - put him down in his crib, he'd talk to himself and roll around for a bit but once he was asleep, he was out for at least an hour and a half. At daycare the teacher raved about how he went right to sleep without fuss.
Now, he talks to himself and fidgets around the bed but never settles for good. He's not unhappy - quite the opposite, he's happy and playful and chatty. But even when I can tell he's tired, he will not fall asleep. When we do the same thing at bedtime he talks and fidgets a bit but falls asleep within 20 minutes or so. I've been spending an hour or more trying to get him to nap over the past few days.
I read hI'm a book and change his diaper, then lay him down in bed. I've been sitting on the floor next to the bed with him while he unwinds - at night, he'll stroke my hair or hold my hand until he falls asleep, but during naptime he just rolls around making happy noises. Sometimes sitting in the rocking chair instead helps but not always - sometimes he just whines for me to come sit with him. It's almost like the freedom is too distracting. I typically spend an hour trying to settle him but after that give up, which I'm worried is teaching him that if he waits it out mommy will let him go play.
Thoughts? Is he dropping the nap? I'd really rather he nap but go to bed later. I'm thinking about putting the crib back up and having them both in his room and letting him nap in there when he's more alert at nap time, but putting him in bed when he's more tired (like when we spent the morning at the park). But I'm worried he'd just demand the crib all the time. But I guess there's no harm in moving him back. ..?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks!