Author Topic: ** introducing solids.... Please help!! ive read so much conflicting advice **  (Read 2527 times)

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Offline Leannepuk

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Hello all,

Im hoping someone will come to my rescue! ! Lol!

My little one is nearly ready for solids at 5.5 months and all the signs are there. I have the equipment and ideas for what first foods to give. But what I don't have is an idea of what time of day to give them, also what will happen to his routine as a result. 

Currently, he is following a 4 hour EASY (sort of)... here are his current feeding times.

7am, 11, 3, 7pm and 10.30pm dreamfeed. I was going to introduce solids at 11am.

Once he starts having them at 11 and I want to introduce another solid, should I just add it to one of the existing feeding times?

If I do that, once he's eating solids at 7am, 11am and 6pm do I move to an eating routine thats... 7am breakfast, 10am snack, 12.30pm lunch, 3pm snack, 6pm dinner. Is that what they are meant to have? Or Should I just not worry about that yet? 

Will he just get hungrier on his own? When should I stretch out his meals to 5 hours apart, but offer small snacks (bottle) inbetween ? How do I do this? Im so confused about what to do xxx
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 14:54:05 pm by Leannepuk »

Offline michaeljacknnugg

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I would offer him solids after milk, as until 1 this is his main source of nutrition. On the routine you are describing, you could do breakfast at 8 and lunch at 12, assuming he's awake then!

He's young yet and will likely make it clear when he is ready for snacks, so I wouldn't worry about those for now. And if you hold off on dinner at first, anything that upsets his tummy has more time to work its way through his system before bedtime, hopefully giving you a better night.

Hope that helps!
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you could do breakfast at 8 and lunch at 12, assuming he's awake then!
This. Waiting an hour after milk means he won't be too hungry but has some time to build a little appetite to try out those new textures and flavours.

When should I stretch out his meals to 5 hours apart
This will likely happen relatively naturally because naps will move so the time between milk E lengthens without you necessarily doing anything whilst the solids E comes between so LO actually ends up eating more times in the day than they did on milk alone.

I agree he is very young yet to be thinking of snacks but if it helps to settle your mind this is a relatively normal routine (do take into account all routines are different based on individual needs, nap times, and various other reasons):
7 milk (continue all milks as you are for several months)
8 solids (begin either breakfast or lunch, later introduce a second meal)
11 milk (around 8-10  months this or the 3pm can switch to a solids snack with a drink of water)
12 solids (can be the first or second meal you introduce)
3 milk (as with the 11am milk, this can switch to a snack, you'd wait until milk intake seems to be dropping off for 1 or more of the milk feeds before dropping one milk feed, wait again before dropping the second milk feed and switching it to another snack)
4 solids (no need to hurry to 3 meals, somewhere around 8 months as a guide) (4pm would be an hour after milk and LOs tend to eat better earlier in the day but 5 or 6pm might suit the family more so LO experiences a family dinner)
7 milk

By 12 months you would be looking at 2 milk feeds (WU and BT), 3 solids meals and 2 snacks per day.  It's advised to drop bottles at 12 months, you can switch to a sippy or straw cup for milk although many continue with a bottle for a while longer (brush teeth after the last bottle of the day).

Offline Katet

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If I do that, once he's eating solids at 7am, 11am and 6pm do I move to an eating routine thats... 7am breakfast, 10am snack, 12.30pm lunch, 3pm snack, 6pm dinner. Is that what they are meant to have? Or Should I just not worry about that yet? 

I'd not worry about it yet, as they get older & their nap times change you end up working out how meals fit in. I found with DS2 that he really didn't go to a 12.30 Lunch until he was close to 2.5yo because of Naps, he spent a long time having a "split lunch" either side of his Naps.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05