Hi, my LO has just gone 12 months. We live in Abu Dhabi and went home o the UK for a month at Christmas - he cut his two top molars while we were home and was in a cot in our room rather than his own, so his sleep was all to pot. But from the first night we got back to Abu Dhabi he slept solid for 13/14 hours (6.30pm-8am), but is gradually getting shorter and shorter, so this morning he woke at 4.55am (went to bed at 6.30pm) - back to EMW like he used to before we went to the UK.
He generally stays awake 4 hours before his first nap, 5 hours max and naps for about an hour on a morning and an hour on an afternoon, then we do bath at 6pm and he's in bed by 6.30pm. The odd time he just has one nap.
What can I try to get him to sleep longer on a morning? He cries as soon as he wakes and I can't leave him long as he would wake my 2.5 year old.
Anyone had a similar situation and can share any success stories/ideas?