Our LO just turned 10 months... Due to havign to pick up big brother right at her nap time, we have been capping her first nap after 50 minutes (sometiems less) and then doing an afetrnoon nap that we also have to cap. Not quite sure if we are "doing it right" or if we should tweak. She is definitely sleeping through teh night now but not sure if she really could go to one nap after we pick up BB.
Current she wakes at 7am, first A time is usually 4.5 hours, nap for 30 minutes, then A time for 4 hours and nap at 4-until about 5:30, then ebdtiem at 7:30. She does go down easily... Wonder if we shoudl just push her to 5 hours, then nap after picking up BB and then hope she sleeps long enough for no early bedime?? this transition is hard with another kid in mind...!