Our DD has never been as good as sleeper as our DS but now it is getting worse. She is fairly LSN, but now its crazy. she used to sleep through the night from 7:30-7 or so, but now she is waking earlier and earlier and now is at 5:45! She will scream as soon as she wakes and demand to get up. It is also harder to get her down for naps and bedtiem as she now screams when we leave her, stops even if I just enter the room. My hubbie thinks we should keep her up longer to get her to sleep later, but I worry she is OT.
Not sure if devlopmental but I am worried we have her nap time and bedtime off. She seems happy most of the time, but now will scream her displeasure over anything. But this early waking is not good for us or for my 3 year old who wakes with her at 5:45! She is definitely talking more, more curious, getting to more things. Started about 1.5 weeks ago.
Any ideas? Our easy is below...
6am wake
11 nap
wake her at 11:50 to pick up brother
4:15pm nap
wake her by 5:15pm
7:30pm bedtime
Not sure if we should try to go to longer A tiema nd start nap after getting hoem from picking brother up from school? She napped for 2.5 hours when we were able to let her nap after a 5.15h A time... and then EBT and then early waking!
Please help!