Hi all
DS has been on a 4 hour feeding routine for a couple of weeks now. He's not hungry any earlier than 4 hours and when I tried to feed him earlier he would only take some of his bottle so I'm confident this is ok. Trouble is the naps and night time really. The naps are a bit more Gina Ford that Tracy Hogg except that the nights are filled with wakeups. He only has one feed in the night but he wakes from 11pm onwards regularly needing resettling. Our routine this week looks a bit like this:
Wake 7iish, sometimes a bit earlier
E - 7
S - 9-9.45 (always on school run) - sometimes he only does 20-30min nap and can't be resettled
E - 11
S 12.15-2.15 in his cot sometimes needs a resettle halfway through
E - 3
S - 4.30-5 usually in pushchair or carseat
A - bath
E - 6.20-6.30
S - 7
multiple night wakings needing resttling - (dummy- despite settling at 7pm without it, hand on chest, sometimes a cuddle)
E - between 3 and 4am
Today he woke earlier t 6.25am had his ffed at 7am but didn't go to sleep until we were at the school gates at 8.55am, he woke in the car seat at 9.45 (ten mins ago) but I have managed to resttle him with a dummy and with the extractor fan on above him in the kitchen. This used to work to keep him asleep longer in the mornings but recently it hasn't. I guess today he's super tired so has resettled, will see how this changes things (if at all)
I would love some ideas on how to change the nights and improve them. One thing I should add is that he is on ranitidine for silent reflux
thanks in advance x