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Offline LaraDaisy

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Starting with a 10week old with gas
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:50:34 pm »
hello everyone! Last Saturday I started easy with my 10week old son (he is touchy with a touch of grumpy) as he just stopped having proper naps - waking up after 20/30min, but it is not going so great and I have a lot of questions.
We are on 3hr easy. He is EBF. He wakes up as well to eat during the night, around 1/2, then 3/4 and then it can be 5 and 6, I have not figured out his night pattern yet, except for the first long stretch of sleep, there is no clear pattern.
First of all, the day naps are a nightmare - he sleeps 20-25min and after that no way he continues in his crib, he just wiggles and kicks his legs and even if his eyes are falling shut he cannot fall back asleep. But if I pick him up he can continue to sleep in my arms (not always, often he whines and twists and kicks in my arms as well). He has some digestive issues and I think gas causes pain and it keeps him from sleeping. We use anti gas drops already the maximum dose but he is still gassy to a certain extent. I already made a lot of eliminations from my diet but seems it helps very little.
So my question is: does anyone have the same? Any success stories?
Right now I try to keep him sleeping as hard as possible because if he does not sleep well during the day it is terrible - he cries the whole day and I cannot put him to sleep and keep him asleep during the night. So like right now, if he wakes up after 20min I keep him sleeping in my arms. I guess it is accidental parenting but I cannot have all of us suffer when he does not get enough sleep... But I do feel bad for not sticking to the routine here.

Also sh-pat is not  working for him. I think maybe still too early. Will trytostick within for another week and see.

And some more general questions:
- when he wakes up he is yawning, is it a sign he did not sleep enough? How soon after waking up the yawn is a sign of tiredness?
- I use hairdryer as white noise during his daynaps, is it a sleep prop or is  it allowed?
- waking time: should I wake him myself every morning or should I let us both sleep a bit longer in case he is sleeping well?
- pacifier: he is not using one regularly, should I try to force it a it more? And how do I wean him off it?
I would so appreciate some help... As bynow I almost hate myself for not being agoodmother! I am trying so hard but it feels like I make all the wrong choices-clearly so far things are not working for us :(
Thanks in advance for any help!

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 15:32:22 pm »
Hi there! It is OK! You are doing fine, really!  It is obvious that you are concerened and are taking steps to help LO sleet, that makes you a fantastic Mama. This is not an easy age, things will get better! Your LO is so very tiny still and seems to be struggling with some discomfort. It is totally OK to embrace the AP during these early days, or until you chose to tackle independent sleep and LOs discomfort is sorted.

I realize that you are suspecting that he is unhappy due to gas, but have you noticed any signs of Reflux? ANy of this ring a bell? Reflux 101 - General reflux information

If he is having lousy naps and waking yawning, then he sounds pretty tired.

White noise is great! The louder the better ( within reason) my 2 ( ages 6 and 2) still have it for household harmony if nothing else, can't be tiptoeing around all the time! A fan turned to the wall works wonders.

I would try to wake him around the same time, unless he has a horrid night then he may need to just catch up a bit, in the interest of staying on something resembling a routine.

My 2 never took pacis. Some love them.  If he takes it some of the time, you may want to persist, I found they didn't help. It is all so individual, isn't it? Hang in there and keep us posted, you are doing great! :)



Offline LaraDaisy

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2015, 09:41:54 am »
Hi, Maryn! It is Maryn, right?
Thank you for your answer!!!
I was reading about reflux before but I do not think he has it, he pulls his knees to his chest a lot, he does not spit up a lot, he does not spit up every time after eating, he sometimes spits up later especially during the night as I do not burp him long at night. And the main indicator for me is that he starts to cry and wiggles and kick his legs and then he farts and then he is quiet, so I think it is gas. Also he does not have crying periods unless he is tired or uncomfortable. And at night he does not cry.
But I will call our pediatrician to see if he might benefit from antacids.

I also have to say things have improved since Friday which makes me very happy :) yesterday during the day during one of his  naps he slep for 25min and then started showing signs so discomfort ( crying, tensing his body, kicking and passing gas), i took him in my arms and just sat with him until he quoted down, he slep in my arms for maybe 20-30 min and then I put him in his bed and he slept by himself another 40 min!!! And the nap after that I put him to sleep and he slept almost 2 hrs!!!  Hooray!!! I woke him up after 1hr50min as recommended. For his night sleep it was not easy to get him to sleep but in the end after DF he slept fine!
Today the situation is similar: I put him to sleep for his first nap (took a long time though) and he slept for 40 min and then woke up kicking and screaming and farting, I tried to shush-pat him in the crib, but after 15or20min gave up and took him in my arms, he continued to show discomfort for a while and now has fallen asleep,I will try to put him in his crib after a while.

About morning waking time - the problem is that he wakes up at different times during the night. For example, last night he woke up to feed at 2:30 and 5:30, after he woke up at 6:30 and I do not think it was hunger so I gave him his pacifier but he continued to wake up every 15min so at around 7 I took him in next to me ( he sleeps in a co-sleeper crib) and he slept another 30 min and woke up crying at 7:30 and by that time I thought maybe it was hunger so we got up. So in this situation you would recommend starting the day at 6:30? even though his last feed was only 1hr ago.

And once again thank you for your support!!! We live far away from friends and family (moved one year ago for husband's job) and having a baby almost all by myself with no support is quite hard on me...


Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2015, 12:58:18 pm »
Hi Lara,
Yep, Maryn, that's me! OK, I have asked for some of our Medical eyes to have a look about all the discomfort, it doesn't sound like reflux does it? It is really tough being on your own during this phase, you are doing great!
All the inconsistencies sound about right for such a tiny LO, things will get more predictable. IN the interest of starting EASY, it is recommended that you wake LO at the same time and work to establish a set routine, but at this age, I would take sleep wherever I could get it! If you and LO sleep later, then that's great! Totally up to you. I would sleep! Hang in there, this is a tough age!



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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2015, 13:00:07 pm »
he slep in my arms for maybe 20-30 min and then I put him in his bed and he slept by himself another 40 min!!! And the nap after that I put him to sleep and he slept almost 2 hrs!!!
That's great!  You did a great job helping him catch up on his sleep and that helped him sleep better later in the day.  :)

Any idea if you have Over Active Let Down?  Do you feel like you've lots and lots of milk? Ever feel like baba is gulping when feeding?  Just an idea, but it can cause gassiness, as they swallow air when gulping.  Have a look here and see if it rings a bell with you:
Oversupply and Overactive (Forceful) Let-Down

The last thing to say is to agree with Maryn - that he's only ten weeks, he's still tiny and there will be lots of times when what he needs is a cuddle from his mama.  Don't ever feel bad about that :) 
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2015, 13:57:41 pm »
Just popping in :) I agree from what you've said it doesn't sound a typical description for reflux, more of a colic/gassiness type of discomfort.  Though interestingly parents of babies with reflux almost always describe them as gassy and difficult to wind - so it's not totally out of the question.  When you've eliminated things from your diet what have you tried and for how long?  For example for dairy you would need to exclude everything including hidden dairy for a minimum 2-3 weeks before any effect would be noticeable.  It may just be in the end his gut needs time to mature a little more and it may well settle down of its own accord if diet and reflux aren't a concern.  But worth another chat with your paediatrician :)

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2015, 01:42:51 am »
I wanted to chime in. You sound just like me! My lo is 11 weeks, and naps max of 20 minutes. He wont sleep in my arms after he wakes though. My Los first issue presented as gas, he also does the silent reflux rhibf, and had mucusy stools. My pediatrician said it could be silent reflux but wasn't presenting as a normal silent reflux, and suggested I eliminate all dairy and soy. I was very resistant BC I like my cheese and butter, and she had stressed its ALL dairy and soy. I finally decided to give it a chance, and while I know it can take a good while to get out of my system, and then a while longer to get out of Lo's. I've been doing it one week and his symptoms have already decreased. Naps haven't improved, but his gas pain has greatly reduced, same with his silent reflux. And his stools are less mucousy. It hasn't helped in the nap department yet, but I also went back to work this week, so there are alot of changes happening.

Offline LaraDaisy

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Re: Starting with a 10week old with gas
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2015, 20:15:42 pm »
Hi everyone! thank you all for kind words and suggestions! it means a lot to me! You ladies are the best and I cannot say enough good things about this forum!!! So much useful information!!!
Sorry it takes time to answer - i am writing this in between sleeps and household tasks, with such short naps I do not seem to have any time left to myself

re: oversupply and forceful letdown I do not think I have it, I definitely do not have oversupply, sometimes in the evenings I even think he does not have enough and my breasts feel empty even before he starts feeding. But he does choke on the breast and pulls off sometimes, I don't know if there is a sure way to know?

re: my diet - i have eliminated dairy right after his birth, read too much that it is a common discomfort reason in breastfed babies, but i cannot say that my diet has been clean of any possible signs of dairy since I have to confess I have been guilty of indulging in a little ice cream or a piece of chocolate once in a while. When he was about one month I also eliminated all types of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, soy and all kinds of beans, gluten, all grains, garlic and onions, but either I was not consistent or it was not working.
I used to not believe in the notion that a breastfeeding mom has to have a special diet, after all no other mammals change their diet when they have little ones, but after his last two weeks struggle with naps and his increased fussiness at the breast I decided to give it a try again and now I strictly follow the diet described in the sticky post in the reflux forum (i eat only white rice, courgette, celery root, carrots, potatoes, meat, chicken and eggs - no sausages or bacon, all plain meat, and bananas and I use coconut milk to make my white rice morning porridge. Also I do not drink coffee or black/green tea - only herbal teas for lactation support). So far cannot say if it has changed dramatically something in his digestive health, but i think there is some very minor improvement. If after a week there is no noticeable improvement, then i guess the diet is not the answer.

On the optimistic note he is not doing that bad in general, this is what my DH keeps reminding me everytime i have a meltdown :) He was born 3 weeks earlier (they had to stimulate the labour with pitocin but it was an easy and fast birth, no post birth negative things whatsoever, 30 min after he was born I told my DH that I could easily do it again :), and since birth he grew 11 cm and has been gaining on average 300-350 g per week and now he is a chubby fella. I think this is the main reason why my pediatrician does not seem concerned about anything I complain about. I have not contacted her to discuss the possibility of reflux yet - I decided to first do a diet test and then if it is not improving contact her.

So for now, we are on the 3hrs EASY, almost like it is described in the book with the exception of short naps of course. What i try to do is after every short nap I try to put him back to sleep, first using shsh-pat (which has not worked to extend his nap yet), and if it is not working using APOP: i put him next to me in the bed or keep him in my arms or wear him in a sling, but i try to make sure that at least one nap is longer then 1 hr.
The naps he has are now a sequence of short naps with some minutes of being awake in between, i hope it is not too bad for him in terms of having restorative sleep. I guess it should be better than having short 20-30min naps with hours in between.
And I do hope that my APOP will not come back to punish me later and he will not become one of the only-sleep-in-sling-or-next-to-mum babies...

Also, I still do not get his waking moods: he still wakes up very cranky and crying after even a lon nap, does it mean he is OT in general? or is it his grumpy side showing? in the morning he wakes up crying or rather whining but normally after several minutes he is in  better mood but during the day it takes long for him to lighten up

Victoria, hold on there! You know you are not alone and it will get better!