Hey there! My boy just turned 6 months old on feb 25 and is a pretty good napper. However, I'm trying to figure out if his naps are effecting his nights. He is waking up twice a night and always resettles w a NF. For naps, he seems totally ready to do 2 a day and will sleep for hours. Sorry if this already exists as an FAQ and I just couldn't find it but if he is on two naps a day, is there a recommended cap for each nap or a goal for total sleep hours during a day? He seems to wake up a lot at night rolling around and talking to himelf like he is undertired. I've tried capping his naps at 1.5hrs each and it hasn't made a difference...
Example day:
WU: 6:30-7
Nap 1: 9:45-11:15
Nap 2: 1:45-3:30
BT: 6:30-7
He probably wakes up 2-3 times a night sometimes for extended periods and if i go in and nurse him he seems ravenous and then goes back to sleep. This usually happens between midnight and 2am and then again around 4:30. There is no other way to resettle him at 4:30. If you try anything else, he just wants to hang out with you, wide awake...if there is a third waking, it is usually earlier in the night and he doesn't get upset he just plays around for 45 min and then falls back asleep.
I'm so confused! So today i decided not to cap the first nap....yet. He is already at 2hrs 20 min. So i guess i should probably wake him soon!?!