Sorry I'm not familiar with the dream sheep if you want to expand?
So, in terms of independent sleep. If she is an independent sleeper you are able to do a wind down (a predictable routine eg change nappy, go to her room, cuddle, sing a song, do shush/pat etc) and lay her down when she is drowsy but awake, you will then be able to leave the room and she will self settle and go to sleep on her own. Does this describe your LO at this point?
If she is not independent your routine will look quite different, perhaps you hold her through naps, or feed to sleep then lay her down, perhaps you rock her to sleep in arms then lay her down when she is fully asleep. Does this sound like your LO?
We can help you move towards independent sleeping if that's what you would like. It also help a LO to transition from one sleep cycle (usually 45 mins) to another if they are independent sleepers and know how to self settle without your assistance - during sleep training you would help her but be moving towards independence over a period of time.
most part its always 45mins. When she wakes shes always yawning and I think she could really use a longer sleep
This is quite normal for an UT nap. LO is still tired but not tired enough to transition into the next sleep cycle. Sleep works in cycles, light and deep, at 40/45 mins the cycle ends and to continue sleeping LO needs the confidence and ability to move into a new sleep cycle. Gradually extending her A (activity) time will help with this. It is really quite difficult to extend and UT nap.
For now I would increase her A time by 15 mins so tomorrow and for 3 days keep her awake for 2hr 15 mins. Count the time from morning WU, begin your wind down with enough time to do your usual routine with the aim for her to be asleep by 2hr 15 min after WU. Don't worry right now if she falls to sleep independently or not we can come to that later.
It would also help if you record your EAS times so you can post a full day here. This can help us to see what is happening.
Show it something like this
WU 8.00
E 8.00
A (2hr 15min) 8.00 - 10.15
S 10.15 - 11.00 tried to resettle with shush pat
E 12.00
E 12.30 solids
A 11.00 -1.15
S 1.15 - 2.00
...and continue for the full day and night to include any night waking.
You'll see above I put in milk and solids times, you do not need to follow the times I have given, this is just an example of how it might look when you post your EAS.