Thanks lovely
W and bf (sometimes she refuses if NF is late) 7am
Solids ~8am
Bf top up ~9am (as she sleeps through 4 hr mark I was topping her up here)
Nap ~10:10-11:30/45, now a short 30 then extended with bf
Bf 11:45/12
Solids after an hour or so
Top up bf
Nap around 2:20 in car on way to school- varies between 20 and 40 mins
Bf round 4
Solids round 5
Bf 6:30 (falls asleep feeding)
Bed 7
DF 10:30
One night feed round 4/5am
The strange thing is she's totally clear eyed and happy, even at 10:10. I put her down because it seems right, but by 10:05 she had not even rubbed her eyes, yawned, not red eyed, not grizzly. It's almost like she could do longer a time and then she does a short nap.
She's also had an nw around 9/9:30pm the last few night- dh has given her a cuddle and then she's gone straight bavk to sleep, no feed. Separation anxiety? I almost wonder if it's that in the day too- she wants a quick feed then back to sleep in my arms?