My little one is turning 3 mos tomorrow.
She has all of a sudden become a very fussy eater.
She was a sleepy eater since she was born and recently became more awake which I really welcomed (even though it meant she pulled my breast to the sides so she could look around).
More recently she started shortening her eating dramatically, to something like 15 minutes (from 25 on one side and 10 on another on average).
For the past week however she was very fussy at the breast in the morning and 10 am feeding. she does poo at both times admittedly. still, she always unlatches, pulls at eat, may start crying, beating at my breast. she doesn't eat too long, may by 9 min and then I squeeze another 5-7 min out of the feed. she can last three hours. I notice that she has a new kind of cry saying its a burp, but not always it is that....
At first I thought my milk is reduced, but still I see sometimes she eats 20 - 25 minutes per breast and for her night feed she seems to get full. She has same number of dirty nappies and even more some days. No green, just mustard.
At night she eats every three hours even though she could do a bit longer occasionally before.
What can this be due to, I am extremely anxious although number of nappies keeps me hoping all is fine.