Author Topic: just not interested in Bfing  (Read 1633 times)

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Offline Animom

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just not interested in Bfing
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:07:20 am »
My DS is little over 4.5 months and was exclusively BF till about 4 months of age...i started giving him an odd bottle when he turned 4 months old just to have some flexibility while being out..(also i plan to do combination feeding)

Just to give little background...i had oversupply n DS had green runny stools for quite some time...our doctor did quite a few tests but everything turned out infection or disorder..then i started block feeding and his stools became yellow...but his weight gain slowed down (i'm consulting 2 says he should weigh atleast 600-700 more, the osther says he is absolutely fine)..anyways he is happy n very active n meeting other development milestones on time..
about 2 weeks back he  started teething...he was very cranky n irritated and not feeding well at which point i started giving him 2-3 ounce formula after BF n he was probably finding it easier to take the bottle perhaps due to teething...then things settled down a bit...but since last 3-4 days he is just not interested in BFing...he will feed for a minute then pull away n start talking to me or just keep the nipple in his mouth and start blowing raspberries IFYKWIM...if i let him be he will be fine for 10 mins n then start crying again coz he is hungry and again he will just suck for abut 1-2 mins and then repeat the same thing..n then i end up giving him FF or EBM n he will take about 2-3 ounce...

i've tried feeding him right after naps but he does the same thing...he feeds better in his sleep (have fed him for extending his nap today n also at night times he feeds better)...but its getting very difficult to feed him during day time and i'm finding myself increasing giving him a bottle of FF during the day...(i dnt get much time to pump with a 3 year old running around but i know my supply will dip if i dont)...i dnt mind giving him 2 FFs during the long as it doesnot affect my supply...also i can manage to pump once during the day n probably once at night before going t bed...

i would like to BF till atleast DS is 1...but with him behaving this way...its so much easier t give him a bottle of FF...can someone please help me work out our feeding schedule in terms of BF/EBF/ as he is not feeding very well...we r not able to follow a consistent 4 hour EASY in terms of Eating...

Offline Animom

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Re: just not interested in Bfing
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2015, 08:14:41 am »
Just to add...last night he was up every hour or so n i could see he was hungry but he would barely eat for 2-3 minutes n then start crying and then i would rock him a little n then he would g back to sleep...(but his NWs in the past previously every hour and now every 2 hours have been due to lack of ability to self soothe rather than hunger...that is my guess)...i have slowly weaned him frm sleeping on me using GRP..n am working towards IS but that will take some more time i guess..

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Re: just not interested in Bfing
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 04:55:06 am »
Has he hit the 4 month growth spurt already? We had a big uptick in night feeds at that age. Also that is the age when I started feeding her in the dark bedroom right on wake up from nap (well if she didn't wake up I would go in a do it as a dream feed!) because she was so distracted. We didnt start any ff until closer to 6 months, and I added them super slowly. The thing is that every time you top up with formula you are effectively signaling your body not to make milk at that time. I never did top ups, I just replaced a bf with a ff outright. What does the feeding routine look like now?