Author Topic: 3.5 Week Old 45 Minute Naps....What am I missing?  (Read 900 times)

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3.5 Week Old 45 Minute Naps....What am I missing?
« on: April 13, 2015, 14:25:17 pm »
3.5 Week old started waking after 45 minutes for naps. She is on a 3 Hour EASY with about 15-20 minutes of Activity time after feeds. We swaddle and wind down at first sign of tired, usually a yawn. Today I waited to be sure her yawn was not just a wake up yawn but a tired yawn. She is sleeping well at night, waking usually 1 time to feed. She was 9lbs 5oz at birth and is over 10lbs now. She eats about 4oz every 3 hrs...bottle fed with breast milk. She goes down pretty well for the naps after wind down. Tried shush pat and that helps her to start falling back asleep when she wakes but does not keep her asleep. What am I missing? Any thoughts or ideas?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 3.5 Week Old 45 Minute Naps....What am I missing?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 18:12:36 pm »
It would be helpful to know what sort of A times you are doing.  I think 1.5h would be pretty long for a 3 week old (Average A times- BOOKMARK ME! ) so if yours are that high I would actually be reducing the A time, but all babies are different :).  It's worth bearing in mind it may not be A time related at all though, 45 mins is about one sleep cycle for most babies and they will naturally stir at that point.  It takes some time developmentally to be able to get through that transition without waking up and anything can disturb them at that point e.g. Too hot, too cold, wet, noise, light, startle reflex (are you swaddling?) etc etc.  This may not be the most 'textbook' of advice but with the benefit of having done it twice, I would try not to analyse it too much, things will be all over the place with short naps here and there for quite some time to come - it's important to relax and enjoy your baby too and don't let a short nap ruin your day xx
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 02:39:55 am by newkidontheblock »

Offline kohler14

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Re: 3.5 Week Old 45 Minute Naps....What am I missing?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2015, 15:31:20 pm »
jessmum46 thank you for the advice. Do you recommend shush pat for the wake ups during naps. Her A time is mellow right now. Looking around, talking to her, nothing too stimulating right now. We do swaddle her...she may be too hot, I will try less clothing under swaddle today. We had to go out yesterday and so she was in her car seat and slept great. Went back to sleep after waking without any problems. Obviously I don't want her to always sleep in her car seat, but am trying to figure out why she sleeps great in that and not crib. I am not sure if I should pick her up when she wakes and just hold her until she is settled again and then put her back to bed or if I should stick with shush pat. Seems like shush pat takes about 30-40 minutes right now. thank you again

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Re: 3.5 Week Old 45 Minute Naps....What am I missing?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2015, 09:49:52 am »
Personally I had no success with shh pat at that age.  Not perhaps totally in line with the 'start as you mean to go on' philosophy but given how young she is I would just pick her up and cuddle/hold or stick her in a sling to get her back off.  Most young babies sleep far better in the car seat or pram at this age, the motion is very soothing - and if you think about it they have been rocked/carried to sleep for 9 months ;). Lying flat on a mattress is pretty unnatural!