DD has been taking the bottle every night at BT for the last 4 weeks or so but never without at least 5 mins of crying in protest before eventually accepting it. Often she has practically cried herself to sleep before feeding from the bottle, At times other than BT, forget it! It is the same whether my DH, my mum or I offer the bottle. DH and I feel like we are just bullying her into it every night so we have just decided to stop offering it for now.
I will be a SAHM for the foreseeable future so there is no dire need for her to take a bottle (my older two boys never really did) but it would be nice to be able to be away from her if I wanted a night out or to volunteer at my DSs' schools for example.
So I'm wondering about offering a cup or syringe instead. Has anyone done this? Did you use a particular one? She takes medicine from a syringe very well but I've never tried milk. Seems like it would take an age!