I'm mostly nursing, however, I like to have extra milk for when I have to work or am away from H. I've been pumping after my morning feed for a while now. I know that after the first few weeks, the excess milk production slows down. But it seems like I'm not getting as much as I should/used to. I've done lots of reading and it seems like double pumping is the best for most women. However, I seem to do way better when I pump on one side at a time. I fear that maybe my pump is dying even though it sounds like it is working fine. I've had it since M was born (so over 4 years now), its the Medela double electric pump.
Last night H STTN (yippee!) from 8-6. She had been waking around 3-4 for a feed for a while, so I felt very full this morning. I pumped around 5am to get some relief. After 15 minutes of double pumping I barely had anything. I switched to single pumping and was able to get 3 ounces from my right side.
Would you think it's time for a new pump? Or is there something I can do to "revamp" my current pump since they are so pricey?! Thank you!