Hi again. So sorry for the delay in responding. Had a lot happening. So here are my thoughts -
Firstly, his A times are a bit over the place. At close to 8 months, A times are closer to 3.5 hours. I feel that the too early am nap is setting the tone for the day. So he is undertired (UT) and does a short nap, and gets then gets overtired (OT) by the time the next nap rolls around. The catnap helps get him relaxed enough to sleep off without an issue at BT but the residual OT leads to all the NWs.
At 8 months, generally, babies have transitioned to 2 naps of 1.5 -2 hours and have dropped the catnap. It can sometimes hurt more than help at this point. What I would suggest is to slowly increase his A times starting with the first nap of the day. Add 10-15 minutes and hold for at least 3 days for him to adjust. If the nap lengthens, great. If not, push a touch more. With an A thats appropriate for his age, hopefully the naps will lengthen and you can drop the CN. On poor nap days, you could opt for an earlier bedtime instead
All about the 3-2 transition- 5/6 monthsCould you also work on teaching him how to replug and keeping plenty of spares in the crib? How is he feeding during the day? 1 or 2 NWs for food are still normal and fine but I doubt he is hungry at all those wakings
Hope that helps