Hi all,
my DD is soon 11 months old. I returned to work when she was 3 months old and since then we do BF in the am and pm and EBM from bottles during the day. Generally I didn't have to supplement much formula so far. She is definitely losing interest in her milk though. Also, the last couple of week I was not very adamant in pumping and now my supply took a hit. I have a few questions and need some help decide where to go from here
Is I worth to build my supply up now? I planned to keep BF until 12 months as that is what I have done with DS and then we weaned straight to whole milk from sippy rather than formula. But with her I am not sure that she is ready yet. She has had cow's milk already and her digestive system seems to be OK with it but so far she has not been drinking enough from a sippy, just a few sips. It concerns me because she is prone to constipation and I want to make sure she gets enough fluids in. I am not worried about calories and nutrition as she is really good with her solids and really enjoys them as well.
Right now we are about half EBM and half formula during the day. I guess I can keep this up for a couple more months and then wean to cow's milk, but I was hoping I could avoid the expense and having to prepare bottles
So if I decide to build my supply back up, how would I go about it?
Sorry for rambling ... I am just thinking it out loud. I would really love to have some insight and advice here. Please help me decide where to go from here and how to do it