Hi sorry it took me so long to get back on here. Busy at home, busy at work.
I'm feeling better today, less worried. I will probably always worry, guess it's part of being a mom.
He doesn't appear sickly and he isn't without energy, except that I think he'd love to go back to being awake for 1h45m and take a 35minute nap 5x a day.
He could associate the bedtime feed with bedtime, it's part of the routine. Usually, He's changed into pjs, lavender oil applied, fresh diaper, feed, a book and a lullaby then laid in his crib. But the bottle is the only thing he cries about. He'll fight it and fight it then when he's exhausted he'll suck it down. He rarely cries when he's laid down and when he does it usually only takes a few minutes of reassurance for him to settle in.
Nothing I can think of changed at 6 months. I went back to work at 2 months
. and I haven't gotten my period back. After my first baby, it took 2 years to come back.
He did cut his first teeth right at 7 months, so we assumed that was a big part of it. But even when he's had ibuprofen ahead of time, he still cries.
Here's the routine we've been trying for (some days he falls asleep by 8:30am and that necessitates a late afternoon catnap). He's been early waking for about as long as he's been crying about the bedtime bottle.
5:30ish Awake (will no longer go back to sleep at this time)
8 Solids (1Tbsp oatmeal made with milk and 1 Tbsp Fruit)
9:30 - 10 Down for nap for 1 hour
11 Nurse/Feed
12 Solids (1-2 tbsp Chicken, rice, veggie mix, a little fruit)
2-2:30 Nap 1.5 Hours, but the last few days more like 35minutes
4 Nurse, bottle or solids (1-2 Tbsp variety)
6:30 Wind down in his room
6:45 Bedtime routine
7:15 Asleep (sometimes as late as 8 if he cried about the bottle a whole lot)
Sometimes my husband will use a catnap if his afternoon nap was really crappy. He's tried an early bedtime without success.
If anything, I think he is overtired. 4+ hours A time first thing in the morning isn't great I know. I was following some sleeping advice from here to try to get him to sleep in longer and quit catching up with an early nap. We're only going to try this for 1 more week, if by then he isn't sleeping later then we re going to quit trying to change his early wake up. At that point we are going to try for something like this:
5:30 Awake
9 Morning Nap 1 - 1.5 hrs
10:30 Nurse
2 Afternoon nap 1.5 hrs
3:30 Awake
Nurse or Solids
5:30 Bedtime Routine
6ish Asleep
I do feed both sides when he nurses. One side is a lame duck, and the other side does the heavy lifting.
I guessed I wasn't expressing as much because he isn't eating as much. Either from the bottle or from me. His intake is just down. And I know his sleep is getting off balance. I don't know if the early waking is throwing off the day or if the lower milk intake is causing the early waking.