Author Topic: In search of realistic sleep advice for young newborn  (Read 876 times)

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In search of realistic sleep advice for young newborn
« on: June 17, 2015, 13:39:03 pm »
DD2 is 12 days old.  I realize it is very early days, so I am not expecting miracles!  I am not planning on working towards fully independent sleep until 3 months.  I write to seek advice on how to get this wee one to sleep part of the night in her crib and not on me.

My issue is that she is very alert during the deep night.  She tends to get a decent stretch of sleep in the late evening (last night was 8pm-12am, but usually it is 2, sometimes 3 hours).  Then things deteriorate.  She will feed approximately every two hours but it is REALLY hard to get her to go to sleep after the feed, despite a good burp and no apparent discomfort.  She does get drowsy during the feed, but then I need to change her diaper because she almost always poops during the feed.  The diaper change makes her wake right up and then she is very alert.  She is looking around at everything.  When I turn the lamp off to  remove distractions she screams in protest!  I try all kinds of tricks to get her to go back to sleep.  But of course, even if I succeed at that, I have a very low success rate of transferring her into the crib. I feel like transferring sleeping newborn to crib should be an Olympic sport!   By the time this song and dance is over it is time for the next feed and I haven't slept.  I am up from approximately 12pm-6am, and then she will generally sleep for an hour or two in the crib or on my lap.  (Unless my two year old is awake by then and demanding to come into our room.)

She naps fairly well during the day, with at least one nap in her crib.  The other naps are on a lap/arms or in stroller/car seat.

She is a breastfed baby and feeding well.  Feeds approximately every 3 hours during the day, but sometimes a bit more frequently if she cuts her feed short.

I would appreciate advice!  Thanks.

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Re: In search of realistic sleep advice for young newborn
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2015, 15:11:01 pm »
Hi there
Have your heard of Harvey Karps 5 Ss?  It's from the Happiest Baby on the Block, I actually never read the book but the 5 Ss (swaddle, side, swing, shush, suck) is amazing for a very very young baby.  I'd say it's as close to a magic wand as you can get!  I actually saw him demonstrate on a TV programme many years before I had my DS and the memory stuck with me it was so impressive.
Karp uses more Ss than Tracy but is generally considered a good companion method to BW. Tracy warned us of rocking (swing Karp calls it) although she does describe rocking forwards to backwards (rather than side to side) in one of her books, so I really think it wasn't a total no-no. I found it as easy to wean as a shush/pat so long as you don't do more than is needed. I even managed to do a little rock with a firm hand in the crib (if you see a demo some of the swing is a tiny rocking almost like the vibration of being in a car, there is also bigger swinging/rocking). I know you are not looking to sleep train right now but it is possible with gentle methods and low expectations to fully respond to baby and still encourage independent sleep. Mine was going to sleep alone at under 10 wks using Karps 5S when needed and Tracy's EASY routine and BW methods.

There are many videos of the method on the internet plus info you can read if you are interested in following it up.

The early weeks are certainly hard.