My DS (who is now 3yo) was 10lb 10oz at birth - something like 98%. He was 10 days late, failed induction turned eCS. Lots of fluids, lots of difficulty getting BFing established, but his lowest weight was still something like 9.5lb. He did ok at first but then started falling off the centiles. At 4m he was 25th% for weight, but long. His weight-for-length was something like the 0.8 percentile. (DD is sitting at 3% weight-for-length). Started supplementing DS with formula at 4m and he right away shot back up to 90th percentile and is still there today for both weight and length.
DD is following the 75th percentile pretty well for length, not dropping centiles there.
She spit up a lot in the beginning, but didn't have any other symptoms that suggested GERD to me (or her doc). In the last week or so her spit up has gotten a lot better.
I would say she is somewhat active. In the week before her last check up she'd just learned to roll back to tummy, so she was practicing that every chance she got. People always comment that she's very alert, and she's very engaged with the world. I still swaddle her to sleep, but she's started busting out of those pretty regularly - she is strong. I also find myself frequently saying to her "You're so wiggly today!" So I guess she is active, haha.
I've been eating more oatmeal and drinking the Mother's Milk Tea. I can't really tell if it's helping. When I pump at night, I only get about 2oz total, so it would take a few days just to get enough for one bottle. If I pump during the day I always feel like DD is fussy at the next feed because there's not as much there as she wants. I've been pumping somewhat regularly before I go to bed at night, but last night DD woke up at about 10 so I had to nurse her instead.
Another couple things I've forgotten to mention - she hasn't pooped in about a week. Normally she goes 3-4 days, but this time is much longer and I have no idea why. I know it can be normal for BF babies but it certainly wasn't my experience with DS. When she does go it's usually an epic explosion. She has plenty of wet diapers though. Also, lately (past few days) she's been really trying to adjust her latch to be very shallow. I have to really put pressure on her back when she eats or she'll purposefully move back on the breast. It's not so shallow that it hurts, it's just not as deep as she starts out. Not sure what that is about.