Another question - we've transitioned to a longer A time, which has helped her naps tremendously. But the way it works out cuts a feeding out of the day. In other words, she has a 2.5-3 hour A time, and has two naps in the day, one usually 1.5 hours long and the other 2 hours long. The way it works out, she's having about 4 meals during the day - two while I'm at work. I pump three times at work though, getting 3-4 ounces each time, to total about 11 ounces. Yesterday, we had one bottle left over so she took that while I was at home right before bedtime, whereas usually I'd nurse her when I get home. So she got less milk before 7pm bedtime yesterday (and woke really hungry at 2 am, even though she ate really well at 10pm). She would take more at each feeding during the day, but should I be consolidating to 2 pumping sessions to mimic what she's doing at home while I'm at work (and hope to get about 2 5 or 6 ounce bottles? I've never been able to pump that much in one session unless I was engorged. Will going down to 2 pumping sessions reduce my supply?
So yesterday looked like this:
E: 7a (nursing)
S: 9-1030a
E: 11a (4oz)
S: 130-330p
E: 330p (4oz)
E: 630p (3oz+brief nursing)
S: 7p
NW/E: 10a (nursing)
NW/E: 230a (nursing)