My 5mo is EBF (we plan to start solids at 6 months or so). She is/was a reflux baby - we are currently slowly weaning her off her medicine as she seems to have improved. I returned to work a couple of weeks ago though and have been pumping 3 times for the 10 hours or so that I am away. She has been getting three bottles during that time, totaling anywhere from 10-12 ounces (that I pumped the day before). She finishes all her bottles. I try to nurse her before I go to work, and when I get home/before bed, as well. So that's 5 feeds during her 12 hour (or so) day. She usually wakes around 10/11pm to eat, and anywhere from 2-4 am again to eat. (I sometimes also feed her an additional time as she wakes and is hard to get back down any other way - but we are working on that with routine fixes as well as she doesn't actually seem hungry).
I'm just wondering whether it is necessary to consolidate her feeds / feed her less frequently (but the same amount) - in other words instead of giving her 3 bottles of 3-4 ounces each, giving her 2 bottles of 5-6 ounces each. Her A times right now are 2.5-3 hours, so the time she has between feeds varies, depending on her naps. I know usually at this age babies cut down to 4 feeds a day or so. Is that true even with breastfed babies, and if so why is this necessary? I pretty consistently pump about 4 ounces every 3 hours or so, no more. So I worry that if I consolidate her feeds, I'll never be able to give her 5-6 oz at a time when I nurse her, such as on weekends. Is there reason to cut her down to four larger feeds during the day? Should I try to expand her tummy for some reason? Would this somehow help eliminate her night wakings for food? And how can I make my body adjust to produce more during the day for her and less at night, in order to try to eliminate the night wakings for food?
Thanks for the help!