Hi Sounds like LO is having trouble with the flow... Try lying back on about a 30-45 degree angle and let LO latch at the beginning of the feed. Once I stopped trying to do the 'mechanics' of latching for DS, I had the first pain-free latch ever and he latched much more deeply when I was lying back because the milk was flowing against gravity and was therefore slightly more manageable.
That could definitely be. I will try laying back at our next feed.
We had the clamping too - in our case it was another attempt to slow the flow but I lost a large chunk of nipple, so best to get the latch sorted as soon as you can xx
I am not totally sure about trying to control the flow but maybe she does in her sleep because at the start she is very actively sucking and swallowing and handling the flow fine. Then she seems to drift off and do some suck suck swallow breathe, nothing/sleep, suck suck swallow breath, nothing/sleep, then she'll be in a deeper sleep and CLAMP and not let go when I try to get my finger in there. As she is getting sleepy I am trying to keep her more awake and alert, tickling her, flicking her foot, moving her arm, touching her ear, keeping her undressed, wiping her with a cool wipe. But she just drifts off.
DYT she's getting enough in that first few minutes? I know DS was and the extra stimulation of leaving him on just increased my supply way too much and led to issues.
She was one oz. shy of being back up to her birth weight at the ped. today. She is 5 days old so I think she is getting enough.