Hi there,
I'm trying to transition my baby from a 3 hour routine to a 4 hour routine. In the newer book on page 230, it outlines "ideal days", but the times don't add up. I'm extremely confused and now in limbo on our E.A.S.Y routine. She's not sleeping through naps, and will be 4 months in a few days, so time to transition her. Can anyone shed some light on this?
For example, on days 4-7, it indicates that S is at 12:15 and E is at 1:15, but the baby should sleep an hour and fifteen minutes. Again, the same issue for the next issue for E and S. Times don't add up when you take into account the baby's length of sleep.
I'm so confused and now our routine is all messed up. I don't know what to do.
If anyone can shed any light, I will be so grateful.
Thank you in advance!!!!!