Hey mamas!
Even though this is DS2, this my first time being so successful with breastfeeding (8 months!!!) and I'm in uncharted territory.
We are in a crazy APOP / AP cycle and I stick my boob in his mouth for literally any occasion. Wind direction changes, stock market fall, heat wave, early waking, you name it, I nurse because of it!
We are starting to sleep train THIS WEEK and cut all of that out... but please tell me: when can I start discouraging night feeds? When do we stop dream feeding?
I read back over when my DS1 (on formula) had no night feeds, and no dream feeds, and it seems that by 8 months (DS2's age) we had passed all of that...
Impart your EBF BW wisdom! (Ps, he is a WHIZZ at solids.)