Author Topic: Confused - Baby cry at breast  (Read 2107 times)

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Confused - Baby cry at breast
« on: July 07, 2015, 20:45:53 pm »
Hi all, this is my first post on the forum. I'm really confused about my baby's change in feeding that occurred about a week ago.

My baby is 10 weeks old. We had been exclusively breastfeeding on demand but recently tried to move into a schedule (2.5-3 hours) so we can do EASY. It was going pretty well for a few days, but suddenly she stopped feeding properly. (also around the time we were moving to a different place)

She used to be able to eat both full breast each feed, but now she will feed one breast at most each time, and the breast might not be full. When I try to put her onto the other breast when she unlatched, she will start scream and cry. Sometimes she would even scream and cry at the first breast after a few suck. We would calm her and play with her for a bit and try again if she still showed hunger signs, but as soon as we put her on my lap she would scream and cry again. This used to happen only at night and only on right side, but has now escalated to every single feed with both breasts. If I am lucky, I might be able to sneak in another feed before putting her down for nap. Afraid that she is hungry, I have switched back to on demand. Today's feed went something like this: 7:40, 10:00, 12:30, 1:30, 3:00 (and she just went to sleep). Each time would last no more than 20 minutes. She used to take 45 minutes-ish for both breast...

I think her night feed actually got a bit better? Her bed time is usually around 8. Her night feed used to be around 12, 2, 4 and then wake up around 5:30-7:00. Each time she wakes up she'd eat less than 10 minutes before falling into sleep. Now her night feed has changed to 10:30, 3:00 and then she'd wake up around 6:30-7:30. She eats a little bit longer at the 3am feed, around 20 min now before falling to sleep. I have not done dream feed as she wakes up around 10 to feed right now.

I tried yield test on full breast and that resulted in about 1.5oz on one breast. Her diaper output so far is still good. My breast feels less full than before and I'm pumping trying to maintain my supply.

I'm really confused. Is this change in feeding normal? Or there's something wrong? What should I do?  ??? ??? Doctor said to not force her to eat but I'm worried she's not getting enough?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 02:33:22 am »
Hi there, welcome! Just so you know the bf info in the books is out of date and we really believe Tracy would have updated it if she was alive.

 So in saying that the yield test really is not a reliable way to gauge what baby is getting as they are way more efficient (I had oversupply yet I could barely pump much except first in the am when I was full to bursting!) .

The EASY routine is just that - a routine, not a clock schedule - the timings in the books are meant to be examples as each baby is different. I would go back to demand feeding personally and just work at keeping the EAS pattern even if the timings are different.

 Also as they grow they do tend to feed for a shorter time so 20 min could be a perfectly good feed for her and your breast start more on a supply and demand principle than storing the milk, which can lead to a less full feeling.


Offline becj86

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2015, 05:48:20 am »
Agree completely with Heidi, just wanted to add that this:
When I try to put her onto the other breast when she unlatched, she will start scream and cry. Sometimes she would even scream and cry at the first breast after a few suck. We would calm her and play with her for a bit and try again if she still showed hunger signs, but as soon as we put her on my lap she would scream and cry again. This used to happen only at night and only on right side, but has now escalated to every single feed with both breasts.
could well be a result of having more milk than she can cope with and maybe your attempts to increase your supply could be causing her issues. Are you having any more trouble burping her than usual? Any more gas pain 1-2hr post-feed? I think that's probably part of why you're feeding so regularly - When LO sucks, its moves their gut along as a reflex, so they will often root as if hungry when in fact they're in discomfort with gas and wanting to pass wind.

Offline lilis

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 18:38:09 pm »
She is actually easier to burp now than before and doesn't spit out milk anymore.

She doesn't have a great latch and even if I managed to get a good latch in she'll "fix" it herself. She seems more comfortable when she's on her side on bed. I noticed she'd pull her legs and wiggle if she's lying on her back. She doesn't cry in pain though.

What really bothers me is the cry and scream. This is what happened today: she unlatched and when I try to see if she'd wants it, she'd take the breast, then immediately move her head away from it. Then goes to try to take it again and then start crying. If she isn't calmed immediately she'd go red face within 10 seconds. After that, she'd cry as soon as she's on my nursing pillow. She'd also cry if we do not hold her straight up. If she is held sideways or sitting on my lap she'd scream her head off as well. When I held her up to pat her, she is nibbling all over my shoulder and neck. When she stopped doing that, she put her entire hand into her mouth. When I put her on bed, she moves her head all over the place. Usually when she does that, it means she wants food. Are there any other reason for these behaviours?

She also refused to sleep today. And also refused a bottle (I had to run some errands outside so my mom was looking after her). She only fed at 9 and 1, which is a really long time for her. She is still not sleeping and it has been 5 hours since she woke up.

I'm in a stress hell that I can't even sleep. It took me 2 hours to fall asleep yesterday only to be awakened by her crying within 10 minutes...

This has been happening for about 2 weeks now, progressively getting worse each day. My parents are convinced she's just being difficult and doesn't want to drive to visit the doctor. If anyone has any suggestions that'd be great.

Offline becj86

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2015, 23:58:39 pm »
She's a baby - she doesn't have the brain wiring to decide to 'be difficult'.

Have you tried lying back, say in a recliner chair and let her latch herself? It sounds to me like she's struggling with the flow or volume of milk.

What are her poos like?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2015, 06:04:00 am »
Hmm it sounds like pain/discomfort to me - reflux? Ear infection? (The wanting to be upright makes me wonder!).

Offline lilis

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2015, 22:17:55 pm »
I went to check with the doctor today (for my sanity). He said everything was fine.

I changed feeding position like becj86 suggested and she was much calmer today when feeding. Maybe that is the problem =D When she gets agitated, I just rubbed her back while her stomach laid on top of me and she calmed down. I'm just having trouble to get her to latch because I'm not too familiar with the position. I'll keep practicing!

Thank you all for the help and suggestions!

Offline becj86

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Re: Confused - Baby cry at breast
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2015, 07:06:19 am »
If you get her close enough, she'll probably be able to latch herself without having to deal with the mechanics of it.