Hi all, this is my first post on the forum. I'm really confused about my baby's change in feeding that occurred about a week ago.
My baby is 10 weeks old. We had been exclusively breastfeeding on demand but recently tried to move into a schedule (2.5-3 hours) so we can do EASY. It was going pretty well for a few days, but suddenly she stopped feeding properly. (also around the time we were moving to a different place)
She used to be able to eat both full breast each feed, but now she will feed one breast at most each time, and the breast might not be full. When I try to put her onto the other breast when she unlatched, she will start scream and cry. Sometimes she would even scream and cry at the first breast after a few suck. We would calm her and play with her for a bit and try again if she still showed hunger signs, but as soon as we put her on my lap she would scream and cry again. This used to happen only at night and only on right side, but has now escalated to every single feed with both breasts. If I am lucky, I might be able to sneak in another feed before putting her down for nap. Afraid that she is hungry, I have switched back to on demand. Today's feed went something like this: 7:40, 10:00, 12:30, 1:30, 3:00 (and she just went to sleep). Each time would last no more than 20 minutes. She used to take 45 minutes-ish for both breast...
I think her night feed actually got a bit better? Her bed time is usually around 8. Her night feed used to be around 12, 2, 4 and then wake up around 5:30-7:00. Each time she wakes up she'd eat less than 10 minutes before falling into sleep. Now her night feed has changed to 10:30, 3:00 and then she'd wake up around 6:30-7:30. She eats a little bit longer at the 3am feed, around 20 min now before falling to sleep. I have not done dream feed as she wakes up around 10 to feed right now.
I tried yield test on full breast and that resulted in about 1.5oz on one breast. Her diaper output so far is still good. My breast feels less full than before and I'm pumping trying to maintain my supply.
I'm really confused. Is this change in feeding normal? Or there's something wrong? What should I do?
Doctor said to not force her to eat but I'm worried she's not getting enough?