I really hope someone can help! We have always been an EASY family (DD1 and DD2) and have put shhh pat and PU/PD into place successfully when both were young.
To cut a long story short I was diagnosed withb Cancer in April and was away for 13 weeks, amazing DH became single daddy. Next week I go in for bone marrow transplant and suddenly DD2 (aged 1 yr 1month) has started really playing up at bedtime. She always used to have bath, milk, story and go down beautifully but now she rolls about screaming, stands up in cot shouting etc. I've even tried reverting to shh/pat but it's nearly impossible as she's writhing about and trying to get up.
She has molars coming through and obviously family life has been very disrupted but I just can't figure out what could be causing this and what to suggest to hubby to do. Awful confession but we've reverted to the pram for 2 nights as its got so late!
I'm just so worried if he can't get her down my poor 4 yr old is going to be totally neglected and not get her proper bedtime routine