Author Topic: Sleeps great all through the night but bad naps! Thoughts?  (Read 777 times)

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Offline Twinsdad111

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Sleeps great all through the night but bad naps! Thoughts?
« on: August 09, 2015, 16:18:50 pm »
My wife and I are parents of 15 mo twins. They recently started sleeping through the night which has been awesome! One of them though has some nap problems which only started when he started sleeping through the night. He only sleeps 15-30min naps. Whether it's one or two naps (we tried both since he started having issues). He's very moody because I believe he is not getting enough nap sleep. Here are the variables you might want to know

0) drink 6-8 ounces of milk before bed night time
1) go to night sleep between 7and 730pm
2) wake up between 530 and 6am
3) bedroom has blinds so it's dark (night light too)
4) white noise machine
5) we have them in separated rooms right now so his sister can take her nap without being interrupted
6) on a one nap schedule nap is at 12ish and one a two nap schedule 10am/230

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 16:28:42 pm by Twinsdad111 »

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Re: Sleeps great all through the night but bad naps! Thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 17:49:08 pm »
Hi there and welcome to BW forums :)

How long has the nap disturbance been going on?  Are they both independent sleepers (ie you put them down awake and they self settle)?  Any teething at the moment or have you tired pain meds 20 mins or so before nap time to see if it helps?

Offline Twinsdad111

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Re: Sleeps great all through the night but bad naps! Thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 18:19:30 pm »
She is an angel no issues at all. He self settles during night but rarely with nap. He's had the napping issue for a month since he started sleeping through the night (and we took his Binky away cuz he was dependent on it). He self soothes fine at night no problems there. Yah he might be getting teeth right now so we could try some pain med I'm just not understanding why it's not an issue at night. Maybe he is just more tied and gets into a deeper sleep

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Re: Sleeps great all through the night but bad naps! Thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 07:32:35 am »
It's very common for LOs who are teething to manage well during the awake time in the day, but find napping difficult. It is also common for teething to show itself more at night which you are not experiencing, but as you've said he is getting only 15-30 mins nap he is likely so tired by BT he is just crashing out. I think it's worth trying some meds 1 or 2 days to just see if it has any effect.  If not then I wouldn't continue.  I found it very difficult to look into my baby's mouth to see or feel for teeth coming so went solely on mood/crying.

Have you tried APOP (accidental parenting on purpose) with him for naps - ie that you hold, cuddle, put in the stroller, or car, rock...anything at all to get him to sleep and stay asleep?  Sometimes when a baby isn't napping well they need lots of encouragement and soothing to help them to nap and nap a decent length of time, this teaches them to nap well as the rest period becomes habit.  Of course you don't want to be 'stuck' with AP methods but they can help to form the napping habit for LO and from there you can begin to encourage self settling again.

You said the Binky is now gone, do they have alternate lovies for comfort?

Also, what method did you use to teach your twins to self settle?