Hello All, I've been trying to do easy since lo was 3weeks old, but as I was moving house and she started becoming colic and reflux i was thrown off, my lo still has reflux which is controlled (sometimes) by ranitidine, I just can't now get my lo to self soothe everyday I'm stuck in my bedroom trying to make her sleep and when she does she'll only sleep on me and even then it's only 30mins! I have to constantly pat or rock or both the whole time which is not helping my poor back, at night she started waking now every hour when previously it was 3-4hours which I could just about handle. As soon as I see her tired I try to wind down take her up to my room have a lil chit chat and then hold her to fall asleep she'll cry and cry and then I just don't know what to do so I end up rocking And tapping then eventually nursing again! I know it's all AP but i really don't know what to do or where to start! I dream of hiring someone to help me because I'm just so exhausted, please please help where can I begin, being in my room all day Is starting to drive me mental