Author Topic: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.  (Read 5201 times)

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Re: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2015, 18:23:27 pm »
How are things going now? Any change?

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Re: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2015, 19:12:05 pm »
How are things going now? Any change?

Thanks so much for checking in on us!  We are doing much better as far as night sleep goes; however, we are still struggling with naps. Is there a 12 month sleep regression or wonder weeks then or something?  DD waking up through the night, EWs, etc lasted about 4.5 weeks. Nothing I tried worked or even seemed to help!  :( But, one night she went to sleep and just amazingly slept through the night again!  Hooray! :). I do still worry about her naps though.

lauradj, thanks so much for the links!  They were very helpful!  I see that DD should be getting 14 to 16 hours of sleep at her age. This continues to worry me. I know not all LOs will fall right into this, but I feel like we are not even close!  On her best nap day, she may do 1 hour 20 min and 35 min or her worst...with the most typical nap being between 1 hour and 1 hour 10 or 15 minutes. She does usually wake up once during nap as well still but can sometimes be resettled quickly. I would say she maybe usually does 11.5 hours at night...making between about 12-12 hr 50 min total sleep. This just doesn't seem like enough to me. What do you guys think?

Right now I have been trying about 6 hours awake time. Yes, shiv52 that looks like a good schedule to try but I can not figure out how to get DD to nap two hours. She just won't!!!  So typically she makes do with 1 nap even though it's not long enough bc she doesn't seem to do well trying a late CN. On days I have to take her to pick up DS from school, I sometimes leave early and let her nap in the car. This went okay the other day and she napped 1 hour 15 min. However, as I type while we are in line now she is crying after a 38 min nap for the day. :(. Carpool is so long because we live 30-40 minutes from the school, and I have to get there about 30 minutes before they let out to not get backed up in the line. I have heard you can wait later and get here but you will be at end of line. And I don't think my DS is ready for that as he is still adjusting to kindergarten.  My MIl is able to keep her during carpool some days so that she can get a proper nap, but it is still never 2 hours!!!!

Any advice on where to go from here?  I like the idea of a set nap but not sure it will work with DD as she may nap even less with less awake time some days. I just don't know!

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Re: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2015, 19:32:49 pm »
Hey hun! I'm having real success with short 30 min morning nap then 3.5 hours later a 1.5-2hour afternoon nap. This isn't an option to try ? We were struggling for ages but this has worked now for almost a month. Our dd's are the same age

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Re: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2015, 19:33:26 pm »
I would say she maybe usually does 11.5 hours at night...making between about 12-12 hr 50 min total sleep. This just doesn't seem like enough to me. What do you guys think?
Sounds fine to me. Mine did a longer night for a little while after moving to one nap at 11.5/12 months but then returned to his more normal 10.5/11hr night with a 2hr nap so total 12.5-13hr in 24.

It's a shame about the car pool situation, any audio cues you can use for sleep such as white noise or a sleep time CD you can play in the car?
Is there any way of shifting her nap to before or after the school run at all?

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Re: HELP! My 13 month old independent sleeper won't sleep! NWs, EWs, etc.
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2015, 03:16:28 am »
All very good ideas! ^^
Also, try not to get stuck on the specific amounts of sleep 'required', some babies just don't need as much. 
Could your son walk a little way down the street to meet you so that you're not stuck in the line?  I don't really know how the whole set up goes but my golly that is a lot of parents driving to get their kids!