Hi Ladies,
So I resisted the temptation of weighing my DS when I went through his clothes and stored away huge portion of it
He is growing fast!
Feeding him is going much better, thanks to you!
He loves sweet things jams, carrots, fruit (but I rather give it to him in the morning, except rice with raspberry juice at dinner, he loves it!)
He is a VERY messy eater, but I always take his socks off (I know he puts his feet in his mouth when he is happy), give him corn baby crisp or extra spoon to his hand. It's getting better with that too.
I have to ask- what else I can give him to eat at this age - 7,5 months (he was EBF till 6 months). So far he had- jams, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zuchini, rabbit, little bit of butter, pumpkin and fruit of course.
Can I give him natural yougurt, eggs? I know it's not cow's milk time yet, neither bread. I mean that basic products which the rest of the family eats.
I am planning on giving him a little of egg yolk this morning. I read that you can start giving that to a child at this age hard boiled. But how do you do it?
My DS is on purees and I don't want it to be too dry. Do you guys mix it with water/veggies?