how can we get our almost 3 month old to go to bed earlier?. Here's the situation:
He started sleeping through the night around 3 weeks, but he decided night was 10-10. We were fine with that, until he started getting tired earlier (like 830 or 9) so we'd put him to bed and he'd take a nap and be up till way late. About once a week, we try to slowly move his bed time up, but anything before 9 he thinks it's a nap
Now for those of you who are like, what's the problem. Here's two problems: He takes a nap at 7 usually, and us way tired and cranky til we put him down for bed at 930 or 10. Crazy huh! But if we put him down because he's so tired he just takes another nap and were up too late.
Problem #2: my husband wakes up at 530 and so he's always tired because of the late bedtime, and I'm always tired because my toddler wakes up early.
So we want to move his bedtime up to 7 or 8 but are struggling when doing 15 minute increments.
ANY SUGGESTIONS? We need help. It's so hard staying up late and trying to keep him up when he's cranky and I'm cranky.