Hello, I wondered if you could offer any advice about problems I am having feeding my 5 month old. At 4 months I decided to move on from breastfeeding to bottle feeding for various reasons but mainly because she didn't seem to be getting enough from me. She had been taking a bottle a day before this.
Since making the transition she was fine to begin with enjoying 7/8oz bottles and sleeping much better during day and at night. However a couple of weeks later she started to take only 2 oz and then after this fusses a lot while feeding, coming on and off teat. Her mouth is open for more so she seems hungry, I keep offering teat, she sucks for short period then rejects it and eventually turns head or starts crying. I may manage to get her to take another ounce or two in this way but she doesn't seem to be enjoying it and I hate seeing her like this.
This is case with most bottles now-unless a dream or night feed when she is sleepy and relaxed and takes well. She is also making weird squealing noises while clenching her tummy. She was pooing daily now every 2/3 days. She isn't very sicky and when not attempting to feed is generally a very happy baby. I try to minimize distractions/noise for her while feeding.
Anyone have any thoughts on what may be going on here?? Am starting to really regret stopping breastfeeding now
Thank you in advance