Author Topic: EASY for a 13 week old baby?  (Read 1721 times)

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EASY for a 13 week old baby?
« on: September 22, 2015, 00:09:59 am »
Hi everyone, I just got on board with baby whisperer.  When my son turned 11 weeks old, I decided it was time for a change! I was doing a loose easy with baby led times, and he was only sleeping 2-3 hrs each night.... Needing to be held etc etc.  needless to say I was dying... I'm going back to work and implemented 3 hour EASY and my son has had improved naps and best of all, he is now predictable!
My schedule looks like this:
650 am- WU- I usually have to wake him up. 
7 am- Eats 5 oz EBM
720-800- activity
805 to 815 through 955- sleep (hopeful)

10 am- eat
1020-1115- activity
1120-1 pm-nap 2
1 pm-eat
120-215- activity
230-4pm- nap 3

4 pm- eat
420-530- activity
530-615- catnap
615-700- bath and activity
7pm- eat

720-740- book and wind down
745-815- bedtime

I just started a DF at 11 pm .  He has never slept through the night :(
Currently eating 30 oz EBM daily during the day

He still wakes at 3 am 4 am 5 am
I would think hes under tired but he goes down easily for naps and stays asleep usually , in fact I've been having to wake him to stick to the feeding times these past few days. 

My questions are-
1- should I wake him for naps?
2- he doesn't last more than 1.5 hours activity time ... Should I start transiting him to 4 hour EASy? I know Tracy recommends that at 4 months but is it that I start the transition when he is 3 months old or 4 months old?
3- how can I get him to sleep at 2 am to 7 am?

I usually get him down with shhh/ pat but at night, he's fighting the swaddle and crying and whining then it's hard to get him to go back to bed... He's not completely awake but fighting very hard.  I've tried not swaddling or one arm swaddle but he just flails himself awake

Thank you in advance for help!!!

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Re: EASY for a 13 week old baby?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2015, 12:26:53 pm »
Hi there and welcome to BW forums :)

Sorry you didn't get a reply yet, this post will give you a bump, I'm sure you'll get some responses and support very soon.

Offline lauradj

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Re: EASY for a 13 week old baby?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 18:06:47 pm »
Hi there,

  Sorry for the slow response time!  Your EASY looks pretty good from what I can see but I'll try to offer a few suggestions.  At this young age, I only woke from naps after 2hrs.  They're so little and they're doing so much growing and developing.  I think I had DS2 on two 2hr naps and one 1.5hr nap.  With regards to the 4hr EASY I wouldn't recommend pushing your child's A time until their ready, it can lead to all kinds of mishaps and you get an OT, cranky baby.  Your munchkin is not quite three months yet and 1.5hrs is the max amount of time we recommend they be awake for.  Once he's closer to four months you could try gentle pushing the A time by 15 mins and at some point around 4/5 months, he'll probably be able to stay awake for 2hrs.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Regarding the NW, that's a bit of more challenging issue.  He's still so little, it isn't uncommon for EBF babies to wake up 2-3x a night, even at the is age.  What I can suggest is you try to fit some cluster feeds later in the day, say between 4-6, that might give your LO the extra calories he needs during the day, so he's not seeking them at night. HTH

Offline bossanovile

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Re: EASY for a 13 week old baby?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 09:01:31 am »
Thought I'd chime in since my DD is also 13 weeks/just turned 3mths. I'll post my routine but I have to say yours looks like the naps are working out really really well! I too can't have DD on anything much more than 1.5 A. It does look very similar but what I've been working on is an EASASE (short naps so she's awake befor catching another 45 minute-r) and sometimes extending the cycle to 3h 10 mins - 15mins if she naps past the 3h cycle/mark

715 - awake and feed
840-45 nap (broken up into 2 45 mins if lucky)
1030 - Eat, Activity
1145-12 - nap (broken up into 30/45 min chunks or on a good day up nearly 2h)
130-2 - Eat, Activity
3-315 - Nap (seldom more than 45)
This is where it all goes south for me
5-515 - Eat (some quiet crib activity prior if nap is bad)
6-630 - Cat nap (she can't seem to last till the next feed and absolutely will NOT eat earlier)
745-8 - Last feed then bed
Usually asleep by 830 or so

Not the most ideal and I battle with short naps ALL the time but trying my best with nap extensions although they wear me down real quick on bad days.

Have you tried to encourage really full feeds/switching sides etc?  I read that if they consume most of their calories during the day you have a smaller chance of NW, although some sleep experts seem to think NW and hunger does not have a direct link.