When lo was 18mo, she had perfect 9pm-7pm uninterrupted night and a 1-3pm 2hr nap. This lasted a bit more than a year, then her nap started getting shorter and her bedtime later and later, so that recently she would nap 2-3 and then would not fall asleep before 10PM (but still sleep through to 7 or 7:30). I tried waking her by 3PM at the lastest, but that makes her super super grumpy.
Recently she started preschool and I can't get her home until 1pm-ish, so that means we start naptime routine at 1:30 at the earliest. In the past three weeks she has napped maybe 4 times, starting 2:30 almost every time (and causing bedtime battles). We start her bath at 7PM, then stories at 7:30, and lights out at 8. We tried lights out earlier but she won't stay in her room. Most nights she falls asleep between 8:15 and 8:30. At first she was sleeping through the night until 7AM (and her total daily sleep actually increased), but now she's waking in the middle of the night for a few hours, and waking early in the morning very cranky. Things are clearly unraveling. Any suggestions?